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Two Islands, One Commodity: Cuba, Java, and the Global Sugar Trade (1790-1930)




Sugar had become, by the eighteenth century, a global commodity. Originating in East Asia, plantations in the Americas fed the growing taste for its use in Europe, with its consumption increasingly popularised. The 1791 Revolution in Saint Domingue (Haiti) and the 1807 British abolition of the slave trade prompted shifts in the epicentres of sugar, the most important of these being arguably to Cuba and Java. These two fertile islands saw the burgeoning development of sugar-plantation systems with major inputs of foreign capital and forced labour. In the process the two islands each, respectively, became central to the very much truncated Spanish and Dutch colonial empires left after the Napoleonic wars and the Latin American wars of liberation; and by the mid-nineteenth century in the case of Cuba, and by the late nineteenth century in the case of Java, they had been catapulted to global sugar pre-eminence. There has been an abundance of study on the two islands each in their own right, but none systematically examines their parallel trajectories. Yet the question arises as to how sugar came to dominate the agriculture, industry and trade of these two islands; and how these two islands in particular, in two different colonial systems and parts of the world, should rise to sugar pre-eminence in the way they did and when they did. Are there connections and similarities between the two that help explain this phenomenon? This article analyses the conditions that led Java and Cuba to become the prime cane-sugar exporters of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Initiative for this came from the linkages between their dominant elites and the transnational, transimperial networks of trade and capital. This furthered the stimulation of technological and scientific innovation in both, enabled not only through the introduction of the latest advances in machinery and method, but also the immigration of technical skilled workers from Europe and North America. New sugar frontiers were opened that offered room for expansion at a time of rapidly growing demand for sugar in Europe; but for this to occur, radical changes needed to be made to the system of land ownership and use. At the same solutions were needed for how to mobilise and control sufficient labour without jeopardising the colonial order. This question eventually came to dominate the political system through which social control could be ensured – particularly, because Cuba and Java came to be ever more closely tied to global capital and trade; and both islands become dominated by sugar while at the same time coming to dominate global sugar production.
机译:到18世纪,糖已成为一种全球商品。原产于东亚的美洲种植园因其在欧洲的使用而日益增长的口味,其消费日益普及。 1791年圣多明各(海地)革命和1807年英国废除了奴隶贸易促使食糖的重心转移,其中最重要的争议可以说是古巴和爪哇。这两个肥沃的岛屿见证了糖业种植系统的蓬勃发展,其中大量吸收了外资和强迫劳动。在此过程中,这两个岛屿分别成为拿破仑战争和拉丁美洲解放战争后留下的被截断的西班牙和荷兰殖民帝国的中心。在古巴,到19世纪中叶,在爪哇,到19世纪后期,它们已经在全球食糖上占主导地位。对这两个岛屿各自进行了大量的研究,但没有一个系统地研究它们的平行轨迹。然而,关于糖如何在这两个岛的农业,工业和贸易中占主导地位提出了一个问题。以及这两个岛屿,特别是在两个不同殖民地体系和世界各地的这两个岛屿,应如何以它们做事的方式和时间来提高糖的地位。两者之间是否有联系和相似之处可以帮助解释这种现象?本文分析了导致爪哇和古巴成为19世纪和20世纪初主要蔗糖出口国的情况。其主动性来自其主导精英与跨国,跨帝国的贸易和资本网络之间的联系。这不仅促进了机械和方法的最新发展,而且还促进了欧洲和北美技术熟练工人的移民,从而进一步促进了两者的技术和科学创新。随着欧洲对食糖需求的迅速增长,新的食糖前沿被打开,从而为扩展空间提供了空间。但是要做到这一点,就必须对土地所有权和使用制度进行彻底的改变。同时,在不损害殖民秩序的情况下,如何动员和控制足够的劳动力也需要解决方案。这个问题最终成为控制社会控制的政治体系的主宰,特别是因为古巴和爪哇岛与全球资本和贸易的联系越来越紧密。两个岛屿都以食糖为主,同时又在全球食糖生产中占主导地位。



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