
Book reviews




Globalization and the Po st-Creole Imagination: Notes on Fleeing the Plantation,by Michaeline A. Crichlow with Patricia Northover (reviewed by Raquel Romberg)Afro-Caribbean Religions: An Introduction to their Historical, Cultural, and Sacred Traditions, by Nathaniel Samuel Murrell (reviewed by James Houk) Africas of the Americas: Beyond the Search for Origins in the Study of Afro-Atlantic Religions, edited by Stephan Palmié (reviewed by Aisha Khan) òrì?à Devotion as World Religion: The Globalization of Yorùbá Religious Culture, edited by Jacob K. Olupona & Terry Rey (reviewed by Brian Brazeal) Sacred Spaces and Religious Traditions in Oriente Cuba, by Jualynne E. Dodson (reviewed by Kristina Wirtz) The Coolie Speaks: Chinese Indentured Laborers and African Slaves of Cuba, by Lisa Yun (reviewed by W. Look Lai) Cuba and Western Intellectuals since 1959, by Kepa Artaraz (reviewed by Anthony P. Maingot) Inside El Barrio: A Bottom-Up View of Neighborhood Life in Castro’s Cuba, by Henry Louis Taylor, Jr. (reviewed by Mona Rosendahl) On Location in Cuba: Street Filmmaking During Times of Transition, by Ann Marie Stock (reviewed by Cristina Venegas) Cuba in The Special Period: Culture and Ideology in the 1990s, edited by Ariana Hernandez-Reguant (reviewed by Myrna García-Calderón) The Cubans of Union City: Immigrants and Exiles in a New Jersey Community. Yolanda Prieto (reviewed by Jorge Duany) Target Culebra: How 743 Islanders Took On the Entire U.S. Navy and Won, by Richard D. Copaken (reviewed by Jorge Rodríguez Beruff) The World of the Haitian Revolution, edited by David Patrick Geggus & Norman Fiering (reviewed by Yvonne Fabella) Bon Papa: Haiti’s Golden Years, by Bernard Diederich (reviewed by Robert Fatton, Jr.) 1959: The Year that Inflamed the Caribbean, by Bernard Diederich (reviewed by Landon Yarrington) Dominican Cultures: The Making of a Caribbean Society, edited by Bernardo Vega (reviewed by Anthony R. Stevens-Acevedo) Chanting Down the New Jerusalem: Calypso, Christianity, and Capitalism in the Caribbean, by Francio Guadeloupe (reviewed by Catherine Beno?t) Once Jews: Stories of Caribbean Sephardim, by Josette Capriles Goldish (reviewed by Aviva Ben-Ur) Black and White Sands: A Bohemian Life in the Colonial Caribbean, by Elma Napier (reviewed by Peter Hulme) West Indian Slavery and British Abolition, 1783-1807, by David Beck Ryden (reviewed by Justin Roberts) The Children of Africa in the Colonies: Free People of Color in Barbados in the Age of Emancipation, by Melanie J. Newton (reviewed by Olwyn M. Blouet) Friends and Enemies: The Scribal Politics of Post/Colonial Literature, by Chris Bongie (reviewed by Jacqueline Couti) Nationalism and the Formation of Caribbean Literature, by Leah Reade Rosenberg (reviewed by Bénédicte Ledent) Signs of Dissent: Maryse Condé and Postcolonial Criticism, by Dawn Fulton (reviewed by Florence Ramond Jurney) The Archaeology of the Caribbean, by Samuel M. Wilson (reviewed by Frederick H. Smith) Crossing the Borders: New Methods and Techniques in the Study of Archaeological Materials from the Caribbean, edited by Corinne L. Hofman, Menno L.P. Hoogland & Annelou L. van Gijn (reviewed by Mark Kostro)
机译:全球化与波多克的克里奥尔人的想象力:迈克尔琳·克里希洛(Michaeline A. Crichlow)与帕特里夏·诺瑟弗(Patricia Northover)撰写的《逃离种植园的笔记》(拉奎尔·罗姆伯格评论)非洲加勒比海宗教:其历史,文化和神圣传统的导论,纳撒尼尔·塞缪尔·穆雷尔(由詹姆斯·霍克(James Houk)审查)美洲的非洲:在非洲裔宗教研究中寻找起源之外,斯蒂芬·帕尔米埃(StephanPalmié)编辑(由艾莎·汗(Aisha Khan)审查)“虔诚为世界宗教:约鲁巴宗教文化的全球化,雅各布·K·奥卢波纳(Jacob K. Olupona)和特里·雷(Terry Rey)编辑(布莱恩·布拉泽尔(Brian Brazeal)评论)东方古巴的神圣空间和宗教传统,朱利安·多德森(Jualynne E. Dodson)(克里斯蒂娜·威兹(Kristina Wirtz)评论) Yun(由W. Look Lai审查)自1959年以来的古巴和西方知识分子,由Kepa Artaraz(由Anthony P. Maingot审查)在El Barrio内部:卡斯特罗古巴的邻里生活的自下而上视图,由Henry Henry撰写小泰勒(Mona Rosendahl评介)在古巴的位置:转型时期的街头电影摄制,安·玛丽·斯托克(Ann Marie Stock)(克里斯蒂娜·韦内加斯(Cristina Venegas)评介)特殊时期的古巴:1990年代的文化与意识形态,阿里安娜·埃尔南德斯(Ariana Hernandez)编辑-Reguant(由MyrnaGarcía-Calderón评论)联合城市的古巴人:新泽西社区的移民和流亡者。 Yolanda Prieto(由Jorge Duany审查)目标库莱布拉:743名岛民如何利用整个美国海军和胜利,Richard D. Copaken(由JorgeRodríguezBeruff审查)海地革命的世界,由David Patrick Geggus和Norman Fiering编辑(伊冯·法贝拉(Yvonne Fabella)审查)《苯教爸爸:海地的黄金岁月》,伯纳德·迪德里里奇(小罗伯特·法顿(Robert Fatton,Jr.)评论)1959年:激怒加勒比海的那一年,伯纳德·迪德里奇(Landon Yarrington审查)多米尼加文化:加勒比海学会,由贝尔纳多·维加(Bernardo Vega)编辑(由安东尼·史蒂文斯-阿塞维多(Anthony R. Stevens-Acevedo审阅))颂扬新耶路撒冷:加勒比地区的卡里普索,基督教和资本主义,弗朗西奥·瓜德罗普(弗朗西奥·瓜德罗普(Catherine Beno?t审阅))曾经的犹太人:加勒比海的故事Sephardim,约瑟特·卡普里莱斯·戈尔德(Josette Capriles Goldish)(艾维瓦·本·乌尔(Aviva Ben-Ur)评价)《黑白沙滩:殖民地加勒比海的波希米亚生活》,艾玛·纳皮尔(Elma Napier,彼得·赫尔姆(Peter Hulme)评价)西印度奴隶制和英国废奴,1783-1807年,大卫·B eck Ryden(贾斯汀·罗伯茨评论)殖民地的非洲儿童:解放时代巴巴多斯的有色人种,Melanie J. Newton(由Olwyn M. Blouet评论)朋友和敌人:邮政的抄写政治/殖民文学,克里斯·邦吉(Chris Bongie)(杰奎琳·库蒂(Jacqueline Couti)评介)民族主义与加勒比海文学的形成,利亚·里德·罗森伯格(Leah Reade Rosenberg)(贝尼迪克特·雷登(BénédicteLedent)评介) )塞缪尔·威尔逊(Samuel M.Wilson)撰写的《加勒比考古》(弗雷德里克·H·史密斯(Frederick H.Smith评论)) L. van Gijn(Mark Kostro评论)



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