
Book reviews




Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at Work, by Edwidge Danticat (reviewed by Colin Dayan) Gordon K. Lewis on Race, Class and Ideology in the Caribbean, edited by Anthony P. Maingot (reviewed by Bridget Brereton) Freedom and Constraint in Caribbean Migration and Diaspora, edited by Elizabeth Thomas-Hope (reviewed by Mary Chamberlain) Black Europe and the African Diaspora, edited by Darlene Clark Hine, Trica Danielle Keaton & Stephen Small (reviewed by Gert Oostindie) Caribbean Middlebrow: Leisure Culture and the Middle Class, by Belinda E dmondson (reviewed by Karla Slocum) Global Change and Caribbean Vulnerability: Environment, Economy and Society at Risk, edited by Duncan McGregor, David Dodman & David Barker (reviewed by Bonham C. Richardson) Encountering Revolution: Haiti and the Making of the Early Republic, by Ashli White (reviewed by Matt Clavin) Red and Black in Haiti: Radicalism, Conflict, and Political Change, 1934-1957, by Matthew J. Smith (reviewed by Robert Fatton Jr.) Cuba in the American Imagination: Metaphor and the Imperial Ethos, by Louis A. Pérez Jr. (reviewed by Camillia Cowling) Seeds of Insurrection: Domination and Resistance on Western Cuban Plantations, 1808-1848, by Manuel Barcia (reviewed by Matt D. Childs) Epidemic Invasions: Yellow Fever and the Limits of Cuban Independence, 1878-1930, by Mariola Espinosa (reviewed by Cruz Maria Nazario) The Cuban Connection: Drug Trafficking, Smuggling, and Gambling in Cuba from the 1920s to the Revolution, by Eduardo Sáenz Rovner (reviewed by IvelawLloyd Griffith) Before Fidel: The Cuba I Remember, by Francisco José Moreno, and The Boys from Dolores: Fidel Castro’s Schoolmates from Revolution to Exile, by Patrick Symmes (reviewed by Pedro Pérez Sarduy) Lam, by Jacques Leenhardt & Jean-Louis Paudrat (reviewed by Sally Price) Healing Dramas: Divination and Magic in Modern Puerto Rico, by Raquel Romberg (reviewed by Grant Jewell Rich) Puerto Rican Citizen: History and Political Identity in Twentieth-Century New York City, by Lorrin Thomas (reviewed by Jorge Duany) Livestock, Sugar and Slavery: Contested Terrain in Colonial Jamaica, by Verene A. Shepherd (reviewed by Justin Roberts) Daddy Sharpe: A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Samuel Sharpe, a West Indian Slave Written by Himself, 1832, by Fred W. Kennedy (reviewed by Gad Heuman) Becoming Rasta: Origins of Rastafari Identity in Jamaica, by Charles Price (reviewed by Jahlani A. Niaah) Reggaeton, edited by Raquel Z. Rivera, Wayne Marshall & Deborah Pacini Hernandez (reviewed by Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier) Carriacou String Band Serenade: Performing Identity in the Eastern Caribbean, by Rebecca S. Miller (reviewed by Nanette de Jong) Caribbean Visionary: A.R.F. Webber and the Making of the Guyanese Nation, by Selwyn R. Cudjoe (reviewed by Clem Seecharan) Guyana Diaries: Women’s Lives Across Difference, by Kimberely D. Nettles (reviewed by D. Alissa Trotz) Writers of the Caribbean Diaspora: Shifting Homelands, Travelling Identities, edited by Jasbir Jain & Supriya Agarwal (reviewed by Joy Mahabir) Queen of the Virgins: Pageantry and Black Womanhood in the Caribbean, by M. Cynthia Oliver (reviewed by Tami Navarro) Notions of Identity, Diaspora, and Gender in Caribbean Women’s Writing, by Brinda Mehta (reviewed by Marie-Hélène Laforest) Authority and Authorship in V.S. Naipaul, by Imraan Coovadia (reviewed by A shley Tellis) Typo/Topo/Poéthique sur Frankétienne, by Jean Jonassaint (reviewed by Martin Munro) Creoles in Education: An Appraisal of Current Programs and Projects, edited by Bettina Migge, Isabelle Léglise & Angela Bartens (reviewed by Jeff Siegel) Material Culture in Anglo-America: Regional Identity and Urbanity in the Tidewater, Lowcountry, and Caribbean, edited by David S. Shields (reviewed by Susan Kern) Tibes: People, Power, and Ritual at the Center of the Cosmos, edited by L. Antonio Curet & Lisa M. Stringer (reviewed by Frederick H. Smith)
机译:危险地创造:工作中的移民艺术家,埃德维奇·丹迪克特(Edwidge Danticat)(科林·达扬(Colin Dayan)评论)戈登·刘易斯(Gordon K. Lewis),《加勒比地区的种族,阶级和意识形态》,安东尼·P·迈因戈特(Anthony P. Maingot)(布里奇特·布雷顿(Bridget Brereton)评价),《加勒比移民的自由与约束》以及由伊丽莎白·托马斯·霍普(Elizabeth Thomas-Hope审查)编辑的《散居欧洲》和《黑人欧洲》和《非洲散居者》,由达琳·克拉克·海因(Darlene Clark Hine),特里卡·丹妮尔·基顿(Trica Danielle Keaton)和斯蒂芬·史密斯(Stephen Small)编辑(由盖特·奥斯汀迪(Gert Oostindie)审查) Belinda E dmondson(Karla Slocum审查),《全球变化和加勒比地区的脆弱性:环境,经济和处于危险中的社会》,Duncan McGregor,David Dodman和David Barker编辑(Bonham C.Richardson审查)遭遇革命:海地与中东早期共和国,由阿什利·怀特(Ashli​​ White)(马特·克拉维(Matt Clavin)评论)在海地的红色和黑色:激进主义,冲突和政治变革,1934-1957年,马修·史密斯(Matthew J. Smith)评论(罗伯特·法顿(Robert Fatton Jr. )《美国想象力中的古巴:隐喻和帝国精神》,路易·A·佩雷斯·小(Camillia Cowling审查)暴动的种子:西古巴人工林的统治和抵抗,1808-1848年,曼努埃尔·巴西亚(Manuel Barcia审查) (儿童)流行病的入侵:黄热病和古巴独立的局限,1878年至1930年,作者Mariola Espinosa(经克鲁兹·玛丽亚·纳萨里奥评论)古巴的联系:1920年代到革命前在古巴的毒品贩运,走私和赌博,作者:爱德华多·萨恩斯·罗夫纳(EveardoSáenzRovner)(艾夫拉·劳埃德·格里菲斯(IvelawLloyd Griffith)审查),《菲德尔前:记得的古巴》,弗朗西斯科·何塞·莫雷诺(FranciscoJoséMoreno)和《多洛雷斯的男孩:菲德尔·卡斯特罗从革命到流放的同学》,帕特里克·西姆斯(Patrick Symmes)(佩德罗·佩雷斯·萨尔杜伊(PedroPérezSarduy)审查) Leenhardt和Jean-Louis Paudrat(萨利·普赖斯评论)《治愈的戏剧:现代波多黎各的占卜和魔法》,拉奎尔·罗姆伯格(格兰特·杰里尔·里奇评论)波多黎各公民:二十世纪的历史和政治认同充满魅力的纽约市,洛琳·托马斯(Lorrin Thomas)(乔治·杜安(Jorge Duany)审查):牲畜,糖和奴隶制:牙买加殖民地中受争议的地形,韦琳娜·谢泼德(Verene A. Shepherd)(贾斯汀·罗伯茨(Justin Roberts)审查)戴迪·夏普:塞缪尔·夏普的人生与历险记,由他自己撰写的西印度奴隶,1832年,由弗雷德·W·肯尼迪(由加德·休曼(Gad Heuman)审查)成为《拉斯塔:牙买加Rastafari身份的起源》,查尔斯·普莱斯(由Jahlani A. Niaah审查)Reggaeton,由拉奎尔·Z(Raquel Z)编辑。里维拉(Rivera),韦恩·马歇尔(Wayne Marshall)和黛博拉·帕奇尼·埃尔南德斯(Deborah Pacini Hernandez)(亚历山大·布德罗·富尼耶(Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier)审查)Carriacou弦乐队小夜曲:东加勒比海地区的表演身份,丽贝卡·米勒(Rebecca S. Miller)(纳内特·德·琼(Nanette de Jong)审查)加勒比海有远见的人:ARF韦伯(Webber)和圭亚那民族的建立(Selwyn R. Cudjoe)(Clem Seecharan审查)《圭亚那日记:跨越不同的女人的生活》,金伯利·D·内特尔斯(D. Alissa Trotz审查)加勒比散居国外的作家:改变家园, 《旅行的身份》,由贾斯比尔·Su那(Jasbir Jain)和苏普里亚·阿加瓦尔(Supriya Agarwal)编辑(乔伊·马哈比(Joy Mahabir)评论)《处女皇后:加勒比海的盛典和黑人妇女》,辛西娅·奥利弗(M. Cynthia Oliver)(塔米·纳瓦罗(Tami Navarro)评论) 《妇女的写作》,作者布林达·梅塔(Brinda Mehta)(玛丽·海伦·拉弗里斯特评论)奈保尔(Imraan Coovadia撰写)(A shley Tellis撰写)Typo / Topo /PoéthiquesurFrankétienne(作者Jean Jonassaint撰写)(Martin Munro撰写)《教育中的克里奥尔语:当前项目和项目的评估》,Bettina Migge,IsabelleLéglise和Angela编辑巴尔滕斯(由杰夫·西格尔(Jeff Siegel)审查)英美物质文化:潮水,偏远地区和加勒比海地区的地域性和城市性,戴维·S·希尔兹(David S. Shields)编辑(苏珊·科恩(Susan Kern)审查)地带:中心的人,力量和礼节L. Antonio Curet和Lisa M. Stringer编辑的《宇宙》(弗雷德里克·H·史密斯评论)



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