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Update generalized characteristics of gas-turbine powerplant




In terms of depletion of gas fields the problem of reducing the costs of transportation of natural gas is becoming more urgent.The results of the comprehensive research show that the most effective energy saving on transportation of natural gas - reducing the costs of auxiliaries of the main production, including the costs of fuel gas (80-90%).In fact that the main consumers of natural (fuel) gas are pumping units with gas turbine drive, which is included with compression system of the gas compressor station. Thus, the solution of problem reducing of the consumption of gas when transit it in the first should be aimed at improving the efficiency performance of gas turbine pumping unit. Effective work of gas turbine compressor pumping units in many ways determined by the efficiency performance of the gas turbine, which in turn depends on the level of technical perfection power plant, mode of operation and technical position.The level of technical excellence of gas turbine is laid on the stage of development and design, realized in the production and in service support.The solution of the problems of optimization of working modes gas turbine pumping unit and the definition of the technical condition of gas turbines require knowledge of the generalized reduced characteristics of gas turbines and analytical relationships between them



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