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Groundwater Quality Assessment of Miyapur Area in Ranga Reddy District, Andhra Pradesh, India

机译:印度安得拉邦Ranga Reddy区Miyapur地区的地下水水质评估



A detailed study on hydrochemistry of groundwater in Miyapur area, Ranga ReddyDistrict, Andhra Pradesh, India has been carried out to assess the quality ofgroundwater for determining its suitability for drinking purpose. The area, underlainedby grey and pink granites of granitoid complex, is associated with profused injectionsof aplite and fine grained quartzo felspathic veins and pegmatites basic intrusives,which include dolerite, gabbro and pyroxenite, cut across rocks in the study area.Red sandy soils and laterite soils are major soil types in this area. Twentygroundwater samples have been collected from bore wells during premonsoonand postmonsoon seasons of the year 2008. The samples were analysed for variouswater quality parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids(TDS), major cations like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and anionslike chloride, nitrate, fluoride and sulphate. The physicochemical parameters havebeen compared with the standard guideline values as recommended by WHO andBIS for drinking and public health. It is observed that the pH value is not exceedingthe excessive limits in both premonsoon and postmonsoon. Overall, the samplesof premonsoon and postmonsoon seasons are not exceeding the excessive limitsof calcium. All the samples of both premonsoon and postmonsoon are exceedingthe excessive limits of magnesium, which indicates that the water is becominghard due to the pollutants coming out from the industries. Sodium and potassiumindicates increase in levels of sodium in groundwater due to percolation from sodiumand potassium bearing minerals. Anions like chloride in all the samples are notexceeding the permissible limits. The concentration of nitrate is above permissiblelimits. The concentration of fluoride is below permissible limits in postmonsoon.Sulphate concentration is less than permissible limit in all the samples ofpremonsoon and postmonsoon.
机译:已对印度安得拉邦Ranga Reddy区的Miyapur地区的地下水水化学进行了详细研究,以评估地下水的质量,以确定其是否适合饮用。该地区由灰色和粉红色的花岗岩类花岗岩所掩埋,与大量的胶结岩和细粒石英长丝岩脉和伟晶岩基本侵入物(包括钙铝石,辉长辉石和辉石岩)的注入有关,这些岩屑横穿了研究区域的岩石。红沙土和红土土壤是该地区的主要土壤类型。在2008年的季风季节和季风季节之后,从井眼中采集了20个地下水样品。分析了这些样品的各种水质参数,例如pH,电导率,总溶解固体(TDS),主要阳离子,例如钙,镁,钠,钾,阴离子如氯离子,硝酸根,氟离子和硫酸根。已将其理化参数与WHO和BIS推荐的饮用和公共卫生标准指南值进行了比较。观察到在季风前和季风后,pH值均未超过极限值。总体而言,季风前和季风后季节的样品未超过钙的过量限量。季风前和季风后的所有样品都超过了镁的过量限量,这表明水由于工业中的污染物而变硬。由于含钠和钾的矿物质的渗滤,钠和钾的指示值使地下水中的钠含量增加。所有样品中的阴离子(如氯离子)均未超过允许的限值。硝酸盐的浓度超过允许的极限。季风后的氟化物浓度低于允许的限值。季风和季风后的所有样品中的硫酸盐浓度均小于允许的限值。



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