首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Medical Research >Incidence of Pediatric Urinary Stones in Orphanage Children in Pekanbaru, Riau Province of Indonesia

Incidence of Pediatric Urinary Stones in Orphanage Children in Pekanbaru, Riau Province of Indonesia




Introduction: Urinary stones are seldom in children. Currently the incidence of urinary stones in children increases three time folds in the last third decade and occurs in the first decade of life. Objectives: The aim of this study is to identify the incidence of pediatric urinary tones in orphanage chil-dren. Materials and Methods: We examined urinary stones by using ultrasound in orphanage children of two orphanages in Pekanbaru, Riau Province, Indonesia. Univariate test was used for statistical analysis. Approval on the study was obtained from the Ethical Review Board for Medicine and Health Research, Medical Faculty, University of Riau. Results: There were 88 orphanage children in the study in which orphanage girls were more (54,5%) than the boys (45.5%), 13 – 15 age group was the most (34.1%) and the least (4.5%)was 4 – 5 age group. The most symptom was flank pain (11.4%), followed by voiding pain (dysuria) (5.7%), bloody urine (hematuria) (5.4%), spontaneously passing stone (2.3%), urinary stone history (1.3%) and family urinary stone history (1.3%). There was no positive result of urinary stone in urologic physical examinations. In all orphanage children, there was no urinary stones found in ultrasound examinations but there were 23.9 of cystitis, less simple kidney cyst and kidney hypoplasia. Conclusions: Although we found several symptoms and signs of urinary stone but in all orphanage chil-dren, there was no urinary stones found in ultrasound examinations but there were 23.9% of cystitis.
机译:简介:儿童很少有尿路结石。目前,儿童尿结石的发病率在过去的第三个十年中增加了三倍,并在生命的第一个十年中发生。目的:本研究的目的是确定孤儿儿童中小儿尿频的发生率。材料和方法:我们通过超声检查了印度尼西亚廖内省北干巴鲁的两个孤儿院的孤儿中的尿路结石。单变量检验用于统计分析。该研究获得了廖内大学医学系医学与健康研究伦理审查委员会的批准。结果:本研究中有88名孤儿儿童,其中孤儿女孩比男孩(45.5%)多(54.5%),13至15岁年龄段儿童最多(34.1%),最少(4.5%) 4-5岁年龄段。最明显的症状是胁腹痛(11.4%),其次是排尿痛(排尿困难)(5.7%),尿液血尿(血尿)(5.4%),自发性结石(2.3%),泌尿系结石史(1.3%)和家庭泌尿系结石史(1.3%)。泌尿科体检未发现尿结石阳性。在所有孤儿中,超声检查均未发现尿结石,但有23.9例膀胱炎,较少的单纯性肾囊肿和肾脏发育不全。结论:尽管我们发现了一些泌尿系结石的症状和体征,但是在所有孤儿院儿童中,超声检查均未发现泌尿系结石,但膀胱炎占23.9%。



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