首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Medical Research >Walking a Mile in Patients’ Moccasins: Measuring Empathy Among Indian Medical Students

Walking a Mile in Patients’ Moccasins: Measuring Empathy Among Indian Medical Students




Introduction: Empathy is the ability to understand others’ experiences and emotional states from their perspective. It is considered as a part and parcel of healthy doctor-patient relationship. The assessment of empathy among undergraduate medical students is an important step towards yielding a better fruitage from medical education in the form of empathetic doctors. Objectives of the study were to assess the empathy level and its determinants among undergraduate medical students. Methodology: This study was conducted among 351 undergraduate medical students studying at Dehradun by using the “Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy-Student Version (JSPE-S)” and analyzed by SPSS-22. Results: The arithmetic mean (±SD) of empathy scores was 98.89±12.9. Compared with male students, empathy scores were significantly higher in female students (p<0.05 by Independent sample t test). One way ANOVA followed by Post Hoc test revealed a peculiar finding that empathy is more on initial clinical exposure but decreases as the clinical experience increases. The variation in empathy scores according to the future specialty plans was inconclusive. Conclusion: This study showed a slightly low mean empathy score as compared to similar studies. Gender and clinical experience were found to be associated with empathy. Further studies are recommended to explore other determinants of empathy.
机译:简介:移情是从他人的角度了解他人的经历和情绪状态的能力。它被认为是健康的医患关系的一部分。评估医学生的同理心是迈进同情医生形式的医学教育取得更好成果的重要一步。该研究的目的是评估医学专业本科生的共情水平及其决定因素。方法:本研究是通过使用“杰斐逊医师共情-学生版量表(JSPE-S)”在Dehradun研究的351名本科医学生中进行的,并通过SPSS-22进行了分析。结果:共情得分的算术平均值(±SD)为98.89±12.9。与男生相比,女生的同理心得分明显更高(独立样本t检验,p <0.05)。方差分析(ANOVA)和事后检验(Post Hoc test)的一种方法揭示了一个独特的发现,即同情更多地体现在最初的临床暴露中,但是随着临床经验的增加而减少。根据未来的专业计划,共情分数的变化尚无定论。结论:与相似的研究相比,该研究显示出较低的平均共情得分。发现性别和临床经验与同理心相关。建议进行进一步的研究,以探讨共情的其他决定因素。



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