首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Medical Research >Assessment of Nature and Type of Repetetive Strain Injury Among Software Professionals

Assessment of Nature and Type of Repetetive Strain Injury Among Software Professionals




Introduction:-RSI, also known as WRULD (work related upper limb disorder), is a term used to denote a group of injuries affecting muscle, tendons and nerves affecting neck and upper limbs. Objectives: - To assess nature, type and awareness of RSI among software professionals. Methodology: - Cross sectional study was carried out using predesigned semi structured questionnaire to assess nature and type of RSI. Result: - Symptoms of 74% software professionals fall into the category of RSI. 86.5% subjects were having more than 10 years experience. 69% subjects complain of poor posture. 83% subjects agreed of using towel roll or any back support. 55% subjects were involved in subconscious frequent self massage. Average weight of all the professionals were 73 Kg and average height was 5a??8a??, thus the average BMI was 24.47 making all professionals overweight. Conclusion: - RSI is invariably being faced by software professionals. It is definitely causing physical and mental morbidity to software professionals. A large multicentric study is needed to corroborate the findings. Keywords: - RSI (repetitive strain injury), WRULD, software professionals, computer
机译:简介:-RSI,也称为WRULD(与工作有关的上肢疾病),是一个术语,用于表示一组影响肌肉,肌腱和神经的伤害,影响颈部和上肢。目标:-评估软件专业人员中RSI的性质,类型和意识。方法:-横断面研究使用预先设计的半结构化问卷进行,以评估RSI的性质和类型。结果:-74%的软件专业人员的症状属于RSI。 86.5%的受试者具有10年以上的经验。 69%的受试者抱怨姿势不良。 83%的受试者同意使用毛巾卷或任何背部支撑。 55%的受试者参与了下意识的频繁自我按摩。所有专业人员的平均体重为73 Kg,平均身高为5a ?? 8a ??,因此平均BMI为24.47,这使得所有专业人员超重。结论:-RSI始终是软件专业人员所面对的。它肯定会引起软件专业人员的身心疾病。需要进行一项大型的多中心研究以证实这一发现。关键字:-RSI(重复性劳损),WRULD,软件专业人员,计算机



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