首页> 外文期刊>Korean Circulation Journal >Measurement of Coronary Flow Velocity by Transesophageal Doppler Echocardiography: Preliminary Study for Clinical Application

Measurement of Coronary Flow Velocity by Transesophageal Doppler Echocardiography: Preliminary Study for Clinical Application




Background The estimation of coronary flow velocity(CFV) is essential for assessing the impaired coronary flow reserve in patients whith angina pectoris and normal coronary arteries. But, intracoronary blood flow velocity measurement remains invasive,requiring cardiac catheterization and can not be repeated without risk during serial follow-up study. Transesophageal Doppler echocardiography(TEE) is a new noninvasive method of assessing CFV in the proximal portion of left anterior descending coronary artery. This study was performed to clarify the value of TEE in evaluating CFV, to compare the coronary flow patterns among various cardiac diseases, to estimate the coronary flow dynamics according to change of blood pressure, and to evaluate the parameters influencing CFV. Methods We studied 95 subjects, 51 men and 44 women, mean age 46. Normotensive subjects were 29, hypertensive patients 41, aortic stenosis 5, aortic regurgitation 4, mitral stenosis 8, and others 8. After transthoracic echocardiography(H-P Sonos 1000,2.5 MHz), transesophageal echocardiography was performed using a 5-Hz(omniplane)transesophageal probe connected to a H-P Sonos 1000 to assess CFV in the proximal portion of left anterior descending coronary artery. Doppler evaluation of left anterior descending coronary blood flow velocity was obtained in restiong conditions and after sublingual administraion of nitroglycerim(0.6mg), Blook pressure and heart rate were monitored thoughout the entire procedure. Results 1) The detection rate of CFV by TEE was 89.5%. 2) The morphology of CFV in proximal left anterior descending coronary artery was biphasic(greater diastolic and smaller systolic). 3) The baseline CFV in hypertensive patients was greater than in normotensive subjects(p 4) The diastolic CFV and diastolic/systolic CFV ratio in patients with aortic stenosis were greater than in normotensive subjects(p 5) The CFV was significantly decreased after administration of nitroglycerin(p 6) Major parameters influencing CFV were systolic blood pressure and heart rate. Conclusion The CFV is influenced by various parameters and the TEE may be a useful, noninvasive tool to investigate the coronary flow dynamics.
机译:背景技术冠状动脉流速(CFV)的估计对于评估心绞痛和正常冠状动脉患者冠状动脉血流储备受损至关重要。但是,冠状动脉内血流速度测量仍然是有创性的,需要进行心脏导管检查,并且在后续随访研究中不能无风险地重复进行。经食道多普勒超声心动图检查(TEE)是一种评估左冠状动脉前降支近端CFV的新型无创方法。进行这项研究的目的是弄清TEE在评估CFV中的价值,比较各种心脏病中的冠状动脉血流模式,根据血压的变化估算冠状动脉血流动力学,并评估影响CFV的参数。方法我们研究了95名受试者,其中51名男性和44名女性,平均年龄46岁。血压正常的受试者为29名,高血压患者41名,主动脉狭窄5名,主动脉瓣关闭不全4名,二尖瓣狭窄8名,其他8名。经胸超声心动图检查(HP Sonos 1000,2.5 MHz),使用连接到HP Sonos 1000的5-Hz(全平面)经食道探头进行经食道超声心动图检查,以评估左冠状动脉前降支近端的CFV。在恢复状态下对左冠状动脉前降血流速度进行多普勒评估,并在舌下给予硝酸甘油(0.6mg)后,在整个过程中监测Blook的压力和心率。结果1)TEE对CFV的检出率为89.5%。 2)左冠状动脉近前降支的CFV形态是双相的(舒张期较大,收缩期较小)。 3)高血压患者的基线CFV高于正常血压受试者(p 4)主动脉瓣狭窄患者的舒张CFV和舒张/收缩CFV比均高于正常受试者(p 5)硝酸甘油(p 6)影响CFV的主要参数是收缩压和心率。结论CFV受各种参数影响,TEE可能是研究冠状动脉血流动力学的有用,无创性工具。



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