首页> 外文期刊>Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology >Punctal Plug as a Treatment Option for Dry Eye Associated with Congenital Supernumary Puncta

Punctal Plug as a Treatment Option for Dry Eye Associated with Congenital Supernumary Puncta




This study aims to describe a case of double lower lacrimal punctum-canaliculi in a dry eye patient treated with a punctal plug. A 60-year-old healthy female presented with complaints of tearing, itchy eyes, and foreign body sensation in the right eye for many years. There was no history of trauma or inflammation. Two patent independent supernumerary puncta and canaliculi were present on the right lower eyelid. The Schirmer Test II (with anesthesia) was zero, the tear breakup time was 2 s, and superficial punctate erosions were present in the right eye. A long-term nonabsorbable punctal plug was inserted into one of the lower puncta. At 9-month follow-up, the dry eye symptoms decreased markedly, the Schirmer Test II improved and superficial keratitis resolved.
机译:本研究旨在描述用泪点塞治疗的干眼患者双下泪点泪小管-泪小管的病例。一位60岁的健康女性多年来一直抱怨右眼有流泪,眼睛发痒和异物感。没有外伤或炎症史。右下眼睑有两个不依赖专利的泪点和泪小管。 Schirmer Test II(麻醉)为零,泪液破裂时间为2 s,右眼出现点状糜烂。将长期不可吸收的泪点塞插入下泪点之一。在9个月的随访中,干眼症状明显减轻,Schirmer Test II改善并且浅表性角膜炎得以解决。



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