首页> 外文期刊>MEDICC review >Neurodevelopment of Very Low Birth Weight Infants in the First Two Years of Life in a Havana Tertiary Care Hospital

Neurodevelopment of Very Low Birth Weight Infants in the First Two Years of Life in a Havana Tertiary Care Hospital




INTRODUCTION Improved survival rates of neonates with very low birth weight (<1500 g) have led to a higher incidence of neurodevelopmental sequelae. OBJECTIVE Examine neurodevelopment outcomes over the first two years of life of infants who weighed <1500 g at birth, in relation to birth weight, gestational age and 1-minute and 5-minute Apgar scores, in a Havana tertiary care hospital. METHODS A case-series study was conducted to assess neurodevelopment outcomes of very low birth weight infants over their first two years of life. The study population comprised 116 surviving neonates with very low birth weight (<1500 g), born in the Dr Ramón González Coro University Maternity Hospital in Havana, Cuba, 2006–2010. A longitudinal, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary follow up of all infants’ neurodevelopment was performed, from hospital discharge to age two years, corrected for gestational age at birth. Data on each infant’s perinatal variables were collected: birth weight in grams, gestational age at birth, and 1-minute and 5-minute Apgar scores. Patients were classified as having normal neurodevelopment, mild abnormalities and moderate-to-severe abnormalities. Pearson’s chi-square test was used to determine possible relationships between perinatal variables studied and neurodevelopment, with exact sampling distribution and 95% confidence level. RESULTS Normal neurodevelopment was observed in 69% of very low birth weight infants, 25.9% had mild abnormalities, and 5.2% displayed moderate-to-severe abnormalities. The results demonstrate a statistically significant relationship between gestational age and neurodevelopmental outcomes; more neurodevelopmental abnormalities were found in infants born at earlier gestational age (<30 weeks). CONCLUSIONS Surviving very low birth weight neonates with lower gestational age at birth face a higher risk of neurodevelopmental abnormalities.
机译:引言出生体重非常低(<1500 g)的新生儿存活率的提高导致神经发育后遗症的发生率更高。目的在哈瓦那三级医院检查出生后体重<1500 g的婴儿在出生后头两年的神经发育结果,与出生体重,胎龄以及1分钟和5分钟Apgar得分相关。方法进行了一系列病例研究,以评估极低出生体重婴儿在其生命的头两年中的神经发育结果。研究人群包括116例存活下来的新生儿,这些新生儿的出生体重很低(<1500 g),出生于古巴哈瓦那的拉蒙·冈萨雷斯·科罗大学妇产医院,2006–2010年。从出院到两岁,对所有婴儿的神经发育进行了纵向,多学科和跨学科的随访,并根据出生时的胎龄进行了校正。收集了每个婴儿围产期变量的数据:出生体重(克),出生时的胎龄以及1分钟和5分钟的Apgar评分。将患者分类为神经发育正常,轻度异常和中度至重度异常。皮尔逊(Pearson)的卡方检验用于确定围产期研究变量与神经发育之间的可能关系,并具有准确的样本分布和95%的置信度。结果在极低出生体重的婴儿中,有69%观察到正常的神经发育,有25.9%有轻度异常,有5.2%显示中度至重度异常。结果表明,胎龄与神经发育结局之间存在统计学上的显着关系。在胎龄较早(<30周)出生的婴儿中发现了更多的神经发育异常。结论出生时胎龄低的极低体重新生儿的存活面临较高的神经发育异常风险。



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