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Characteristics of Wetting-Induced Bacteriophage Blooms in Biological Soil Crust




Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) are photosynthetic “hot spots” in deserts and cover ~12% of the Earth’s terrestrial surface, and yet they face an uncertain future given expected shifts in rainfall events. Laboratory wetting of biocrust communities is known to cause a bloom of Firmicutes which rapidly become dominant community members within 2?days after emerging from a sporulated state. We hypothesized that their bacteriophages (phages) would respond to such a dramatic increase in their host’s abundance. In our experiment, wetting caused Firmicutes to bloom and triggered a significant depletion of cyanobacterial diversity. We used genome-resolved metagenomics to link phage to their hosts and found that the bloom of the genus Bacillus correlated with a dramatic increase in the number of Caudovirales phages targeting these diverse spore-formers ( r? =?0.762). After 2?days, we observed dramatic reductions in the relative abundances of Bacillus , while the number of Bacillus phages continued to increase, suggestive of a predator-prey relationship. We found predicted auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs) associated with sporulation in several Caudovirales genomes, suggesting that phages may influence and even benefit from sporulation dynamics in biocrusts. Prophage elements and CRISPR-Cas repeats in Firmicutes metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) provide evidence of recent infection events by phages, which were corroborated by mapping viral contigs to their host MAGs. Combined, these findings suggest that the blooming Firmicutes become primary targets for biocrust Caudovirales phages, consistent with the classical “kill-the-winner” hypothesis.
机译:生物土壤结皮(生物结皮)是沙漠中的光合作用“热点”,占地球陆地表面的约12%,但由于降雨事件的预期变化,它们面临着不确定的未来。众所周知,实验室对生物结皮群落的润湿会导致Firmicutes大量繁殖,并在形成孢子后2天内迅速成为主要的群落成员。我们假设他们的噬菌体(噬菌体)会对宿主数量的急剧增加做出反应。在我们的实验中,润湿导致Firmicutes开花,并引发了蓝藻多样性的严重消耗。我们用基因组解析的宏基因组学将噬菌体连接到它们的宿主,发现芽孢杆菌属的绽放与针对这些不同的孢子形成者的拟南芥噬菌体数目的急剧增加有关(r = 0.762)。 2天后,我们观察到芽孢杆菌的相对丰度显着降低,而芽孢杆菌噬菌体的数量持续增加,这表明存在天敌与猎物的关系。我们在几个伪病毒基因组中发现了与孢子形成有关的预测辅助代谢基因(AMG),这表明噬菌体可能影响甚至受益于生物结壳的孢子形成动力学。在Firmicutes元基因组组装的基因组(MAGs)中的噬菌体元件和CRISPR-Cas重复序列提供了噬菌体最近感染事件的证据,这些噬菌体通过将病毒重叠群映射到其宿主MAGs得以证实。综合起来,这些发现表明,盛开的硬毛虫成为生物壳Caudovirales噬菌体的主要靶标,这与经典的“杀死获胜者”假说是一致的。



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