首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Predation impact of Acartiella sinensis, an introduced predatory copepod in the San Francisco Estuary, USA

Predation impact of Acartiella sinensis, an introduced predatory copepod in the San Francisco Estuary, USA




ABSTRACT: The San Francisco Estuary (SFE), USA, is a highly invaded ecosystem where most of the zooplankton assemblage is exotic. Acartiella sinensis was introduced from Asia in 1993 and has become abundant (mean adult abundance ~500 ind. m-3) in brackish water during summer. The morphology of Acartiella species suggests a predatory habit, but predation by this genus has never been quantified. The introduction of A. sinensis to the upper, brackish region of the SFE coincided with several other introductions, so its predation impact could not be determined from time-series data. We determined functional responses of A. sinensis feeding on 2 other introduced copepod species, including several life stages of the highly abundant cyclopoid Limnoithona tetraspina and nauplii of Pseudodiaptomus forbesi, and extrapolated predation rates to the field to determine predation impact on copepod populations. Predation rates of adult female A. sinensis were higher on L. tetraspina nauplii than on adults or copepodites, and highest on P. forbesi nauplii, although prey selection experiments did not show a difference in consumption rate between nauplii of the 2 species. Mean clearance rates on nauplii at low density were 0.3 l d-1 on L. tetraspina and 0.6 l d-1 for P. forbesi. Predatory impact based on long-term monitoring data averaged 1% d-1 for adults and copepodites, and 4 and 11% d-1 for nauplii of L. tetraspina and P. forbesi, respectively. These predation losses are high relative to the population growth potential of these species in this unproductive region.
机译:摘要:美国旧金山河口(SFE)是一个高度入侵的生态系统,其中大多数浮游动物组合都是奇异的。 中华car虫(Acartiella sinensis )于1993年从亚洲引进,在夏季的咸淡水中变得很丰富(成年成年人的平均营养含量为500 ind。m -3 )。 car虫的形态表明有掠食性习性,但该属的捕食从未被量化。 A的介绍。 SFE上部微咸区域的中华绒螯蟹与其他几种引入相吻合,因此无法从时序数据确定其捕食影响。我们确定了 A的功能反应。中华ensis以另外两种引进的co足类为食,包括高度丰富的摆线虫 Limnoithona tetraspina 和无节幼体Pseudodiaptomus forbesi的几个生命阶段,并将捕食率外推至确定捕食对co足类种群的影响的领域。成年雌性动物的捕食率中华在 L上较高。四倍体无节幼体比成年或co足类动物多,在 P上最高。福布斯无节幼体,尽管猎物选择实验并未显示这2种无节幼体之间的食用率差异。低密度无节幼体的平均清除率为0.3 l d -1 。四孢子虫和 P的0.6 l d -1 。 forbesi 。基于长期监测数据的掠食性影响,成人和角足类动物的平均d -1 为1%,无节幼体的d -1 为4%和11%。 tetraspina 和 P。 forbesi 。这些捕食损失相对于该非生产区这些物种的种群增长潜力而言是很高的。



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