首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Phytoplankton and bacterial dynamics on the Chukchi Sea Shelf during the spring-summer transition

Phytoplankton and bacterial dynamics on the Chukchi Sea Shelf during the spring-summer transition




Climate warming is exerting significant change on the physical properties of the Arctic Ocean, which in turn has marked consequences for the biology of the region. The Chukchi Sea is notable for its species richness as a consequence of a nutrient-rich shelf region that supports substantial primary production. However, little is known about the carbon transformations at the base of the food web in the Chukchi Sea, and in particular the relative amounts of primary production that are transferred directly to higher trophic levels or remineralized within the microbial loop. We measured microbial standing stocks (bacteria to microplankton), phytoplankton growth and mortality rates, and bacterial production and mortality rates at 10 stations in the Chukchi Sea and Bering Strait during the spring-summer transition. Our study revealed that protistan grazers consumed substantially more phytoplankton carbon than bacterial carbon. Phytoplankton growth rates were variable, but at times considerable (range: -0.06 to 0.71 d-1), with protistan grazers consuming an average of 46% of the daily primary production. Heterotrophic protists exerted significant grazing pressure on phytoplankton despite low environmental temperatures. Bacterial production and mortality rates were low (generally 1 ?μg C l-1 d-1) and at times in balance, but overall bacterial production exceeded mortality. This study improves our understanding of carbon cycling in the Chukchi Sea during the spring-summer transition, demonstrating a significant transfer of primary production to heterotrophic protists at that time of year.
机译:气候变暖正在对北冰洋的物理性质产生重大变化,这反过来又对该地区的生物学产生了重大影响。楚科奇海以其丰富的物种而著称,这是因为养分丰富的架子区域支持大量初级生产。但是,对于楚科奇海食物网基部的碳转化,特别是初级生产的相对数量知之甚少,这些初级生产的相对数量直接转移到较高的营养水平或在微生物圈内重新矿化。我们测量了春夏过渡期楚科奇海和白令海峡10个站点的微生物种群(细菌到微浮游生物),浮游植物的生长和死亡率以及细菌的产生和死亡率。我们的研究表明,原生动物放牧者消耗的浮游植物碳比细菌碳要多得多。浮游植物的增长率是可变的,但有时是可观的(范围:-0.06至0.71 d-1),原生动物放牧者平均每天消费初级生产的46%。尽管环境温度低,但异养原生生物对浮游植物施加了巨大的放牧压力。细菌的产生和死亡率很低(通常<1 µg C-1-1 d-1),并且有时处于平衡状态,但总体细菌产量超过了死亡率。这项研究提高了我们对春夏过渡期间楚科奇海碳循环的认识,表明一年中那个时候初级生产向异养原生生物的重大转移。



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