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Socio-Economic Implication of Ajabuere Rites in Owoland




The world as a whole is dynamic, society and people cannot remain static, changes occur from time to time. For the ancient philosopher Heraclitus, change is the only constant variable in the entire world. Thus he proposed that “you cannot step twice into the same river, for fresh waters are ever flowing in upon you” (Copleston, 1962). In accord with the above assertion, great changes have taken place in the world, especially in Africa, which have affected the African people socially, morally, politically, spiritually and educationally. For instance, the incursion of Christianity on the shores of Nigeria has forced some changes in our societies and people, such that some cultural practices have been thrown away because they were wrongly perceived as fetish, barbaric and uncivilised (Awolalu & Dopamu, 1979). These changes notwithstanding, some of our traditional practices have subsisted; they were able to surmount the threat posed by these foreign religions and practices, one of such practice is the Ajabuere dance which precedes burial ceremony in the ancient town of Owo. The Owo people, like other Yoruba people believe that death does not annihilate, that there is life after death, the Ajabuere dance is therefore perceived as an instrument that lure one into the bliss of after-life.



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