首页> 外文期刊>Malaria Journal >A new class of insecticide for malaria vector control: evaluation of mosquito nets treated singly with indoxacarb (oxadiazine) or with a pyrethroid mixture against Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus

A new class of insecticide for malaria vector control: evaluation of mosquito nets treated singly with indoxacarb (oxadiazine) or with a pyrethroid mixture against Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus

机译:新型的用于控制疟疾的杀虫剂:分别用茚虫威(oxadiazine)或拟除虫菊酯混合物处理过的蚊帐,以对抗冈比亚按蚊和库蚊(Culex quinquefasciatus)



Background Universal coverage with long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets (LLIN) or indoor residual spraying (IRS) of houses remain the primary strategies for the control of mosquito vectors of malaria. Pyrethroid resistant malaria vectors are widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa and new insecticides with different modes of action are urgently needed if malaria vector control is to remain effective. Indoxacarb is an oxadiazine insecticide that is effective as an oral and contact insecticide against a broad spectrum of agricultural pests and, due to its unique site of action, no cross-resistance has been detected through mechanisms associated with resistance to insecticides currently used in public health. Methods WHO tunnel tests of host seeking mosquitoes were carried out as a forerunner to experimental hut trials, to provide information on dosage-dependent mortality, repellency, and blood-feeding inhibition. A dosage range of indoxacarb treated netting (100–1000 mg/m 2 ) was tested against a pyrethroid susceptible strain of Anopheles gambiae. In addition, efficacy of indoxacarb 500 mg/m 2 was compared with a standard pyrethroid formulation against pyrethroid susceptible and resistant Culex quinquefasciatus. Dosages between 25 and 300 mg/m 2 indoxacarb were tested in tunnel tests and in ball-frame bioassays as mixtures with alphacypermethrin 25 mg/m 2 and were compared with singly applied treatments against an insectary reared pyrethroid resistant strain of Cx. quinquefasciatus originally collected in Cotonou, Benin. Results There was a dosage-dependent response in terms of indoxacarb induced mortality, with dosages >100 mg/m 2 producing the best mortality response. In tunnel tests indoxacarb 500 mg/m 2 exceeded WHOPES thresholds with >80 % mortality of adult An. gambiae and blood-feeding inhibition of 75 %. No cross-resistance to indoxacarb was detected through mechanisms associated with resistance to pyrethroid insecticides and was equally effective against susceptible and resistant strains of Cx. quinquefasciatus. Indoxacarb 500 mg/m 2 killed 75 % of pyrethroid resistant Cx. quinquefasciatus compared with only 21 % mortality with alphacypermethrin 40 mg/m 2 . Mixtures of indoxacarb with pyrethroid produced an additive response for both mortality and blood-feeding inhibition. The best performing mixture (indoxacarb 200 mg/m 2 + alphacypermethrin 25 mg/m 2 ) killed 83 % of pyrethroid resistant Cx. quinquefasciatus and reduced blood-feeding by 88 %, while alphacypermethrin only killed 36 % and inhibited blood-feeding by 50 %. Conclusions New insecticides with different modes of action to those currently used in mosquito vector control are urgently needed. Indoxacarb shows great promise as a mixture with a pyrethroid and should be evaluated in experimental hut trials to determine performance against wild free-flying, pyrethroid resistant An. gambiae and wash-resistant formulations developed.
机译:背景技术用持久的杀虫蚊帐(LLIN)或房屋的室内残留喷雾剂(IRS)普遍覆盖仍然是控制疟疾蚊媒的主要策略。拟除虫菊酯抗药性疟疾媒介广泛分布于整个撒哈拉以南非洲,如果要保持有效的疟疾媒介控制,迫切需要具有不同作用方式的新型杀虫剂。茚虫威是一种恶二嗪类杀虫剂,可作为口服杀虫剂和接触型杀虫剂对多种农业害虫有效,并且由于其独特的作用部位,尚未通过与目前在公共卫生中使用的对杀虫剂产生抗药性相关的机制检测到交叉耐药性。方法作为实验性棚屋试验的先驱,对WHO寻求蚊子的寄主进行了隧道试验,以提供剂量依赖性死亡率,驱避性和采血抑制的信息。测试了茚虫威处理网的剂量范围(100–1000 mg / m 2)对拟除虫菊酯敏感的冈比亚按蚊菌株的测试。此外,将茚虫威500 mg / m 2与标准拟除虫菊酯制剂对拟除虫菊酯易感和耐药的库克斯库克斯(Culex quinquefasciatus)的功效进行了比较。 25到300 mg / m 2的茚虫威的剂量在隧道试验中和在球架生物测定法中与25mg / m 2的α-氯氰菊酯混合后进行测试,并与单独施用的针对Cx的拟除虫菊酯抗药性菌株进行比较。 quinquefasciatus最初收集于贝宁的科托努。结果就茚虫威引起的死亡率而言,存在剂量依赖性反应,剂量> 100 mg / m 2产生最佳死亡率反应。在隧道试验中,茚虫威500 mg / m 2超过WHOPES阈值,成年An死亡率> 80%。冈比亚和食血的抑制率为75%。通过与对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的抗性相关的机制未检测到对茚虫威的交叉抗性,并且对Cx敏感和抗性菌株同样有效。 quinquefasciatus。茚虫威500 mg / m 2杀死了75%的拟除虫菊酯抗性Cx。 quinquefasciatus相比,使用氯氰菊酯40 mg / m 2的死亡率仅为21%。茚虫威与拟除虫菊酯的混合物对死亡率和血液喂养抑制均产生加性反应。表现最好的混合物(茚虫威200 mg / m 2 +氯氰菊酯25 mg / m 2)杀死了83%的拟除虫菊酯抗性Cx。 quinquefasciatus减少了88%的采血量,而高效氯氰菊酯仅杀死了36%并抑制了50%的采血量。结论迫切需要与目前用于蚊媒控制的农药具有不同作用方式的新型农药。茚虫威与拟除虫菊酯的混合物显示出了广阔的前景,应在棚屋试验中进行评估,以测定其对野生自由飞行,对拟除虫菊酯具有抗性的An的性能。开发了冈比亚和耐洗配方。



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