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Gaps in Protection of Important Ocean Areas: A Spatial Meta-Analysis of Ten Global Mapping Initiatives




To safeguard biodiversity effectively, marine protected areas (MPAs) should be sited using the best available science. There are numerous ongoing United Nations and nongovernmental initiatives to map globally important marine areas. The criteria used by these initiatives vary, resulting in contradictions in the areas identified as important. Our analysis is the first to overlay these initiatives, quantify consensus, and conduct gap analyses at the global scale. We found that 55% of the ocean has been identified as important by one or more initiatives, and that individual areas have been identified by as many as seven overlapping initiatives. Using our overlay map and data on current MPA coverage, we highlight gaps in protection of important areas of the ocean. We considered any area identified by two to four initiatives to be of moderate consensus. Over 14% of the ocean fell under this category and most of this area (88%) is not yet protected. The largest concentrations of medium-consensus areas without protection were found in the Caribbean Sea, Madagascar and the southern tip of Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Coral Triangle. Areas of high consensus (identified by five to seven initiatives) were almost always within MPAs, but their no-take status was often unreported. We found that nearly every marine province and nearly every exclusive economic zone contained area that has been identified as important but is not yet protected. Much of the identified area lies within contiguous stretches of 100,000 km2; it is unrealistic to expect that all this area be protected. Nonetheless, our results on areas of consensus provide initial insight into opportunities for further ocean protection.
机译:为了有效地保护生物多样性,应使用现有最佳科学方法来建立海洋保护区。联合国和非政府组织正在进行许多计划,以绘制全球重要海洋区域的地图。这些举措使用的标准各不相同,导致在确定为重要领域的矛盾。我们的分析是首次覆盖这些举措,量化共识并在全球范围内进行差距分析。我们发现,一项或多项倡议已将55%的海洋确定为重要海洋,而多达七个重叠的倡议已确定了各个区域。使用我们的叠加图和有关当前MPA覆盖范围的数据,我们可以突出显示保护重要海洋区域方面的差距。我们认为,由两到四个倡议确定的任何领域都是中度共识。超过14%的海洋属于这一类别,并且该地区的大部分地区(88%)尚未受到保护。在加勒比海,马达加斯加和非洲南端,地中海和珊瑚三角地区,发现了没有保护的中度共识地区的浓度最高。高度共识的领域(由五到七个倡议确定)几乎始终在海洋保护区之内,但其未采取行动的状态常常未被报告。我们发现,几乎每个海洋省和几乎每个专属经济区都包含被确定为重要但尚未受到保护的区域。识别出的大部分区域都在大于100,000 km2的连续范围内。期望保护所有这些区域是不现实的。尽管如此,我们在共识领域的研究结果为进一步保护海洋提供了初步见识。



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