首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Physiology >Resting state MEG oscillations show long-range temporal correlations of phase synchrony that break down during finger movement

Resting state MEG oscillations show long-range temporal correlations of phase synchrony that break down during finger movement




The capacity of the human brain to interpret and respond to multiple temporal scales in its surroundings suggests that its internal interactions must also be able to operate over a broad temporal range. In this paper, we utilize a recently introduced method for characterizing the rate of change of the phase difference between MEG signals and use it to study the temporal structure of the phase interactions between MEG recordings from the left and right motor cortices during rest and during a finger-tapping task. We use the Hilbert transform to estimate moment-to-moment fluctuations of the phase difference between signals. After confirming the presence of scale-invariance we estimate the Hurst exponent using detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). An exponent of >0.5 is indicative of long-range temporal correlations (LRTCs) in the signal. We find that LRTCs are present in the α/μ and β frequency bands of resting state MEG data. We demonstrate that finger movement disrupts LRTCs correlations, producing a phase relationship with a structure similar to that of Gaussian white noise. The results are validated by applying the same analysis to data with Gaussian white noise phase difference, recordings from an empty scanner and phase-shuffled time series. We interpret the findings through comparison of the results with those we obtained from an earlier study during which we adopted this method to characterize phase relationships within a Kuramoto model of oscillators in its sub-critical, critical, and super-critical synchronization states. We find that the resting state MEG from left and right motor cortices shows moment-to-moment fluctuations of phase difference with a similar temporal structure to that of a system of Kuramoto oscillators just prior to its critical level of coupling, and that finger tapping moves the system away from this pre-critical state toward a more random state.
机译:人脑对周围环境中多个时间尺度进行解释和响应的能力表明,其内部交互作用还必须能够在较大的时间范围内运作。在本文中,我们利用一种最新引入的方法来表征MEG信号之间的相位差的变化率,并用它来研究左右运动皮层的MEG记录在静止和运动过程中相间相互作用的时间结构。轻敲任务。我们使用希尔伯特(Hilbert)变换来估计信号之间相位差的瞬时变化。确认尺度不变性的存在后,我们使用去趋势波动分析(DFA)估计赫斯特指数。 > 0.5的指数表示信号中的远程时间相关性(LRTC)。我们发现,在静止状态MEG数据的α/μ和β频带中存在LRTC。我们证明了手指运动会破坏LRTCs相关性,产生与高斯白噪声相似的结构相位关系。通过对具有高斯白噪声相位差的数据,来自空扫描仪的记录和经过相位混洗的时间序列进行相同的分析来验证结果。我们通过将结果与从较早研究中获得的结果进行比较来解释这些发现,在早期研究中,我们采用此方法来表征处于次临界,临界和超临界同步状态的Kuramoto振荡器模型内的相位关系。我们发现,左右运动皮层的静止状态MEG表现出相差的瞬时变化,其时间结构与Kuramoto振荡器系统的瞬时结构相似,恰好在耦合的临界水平之前,并且手指的敲击运动系统从此临界前状态变为更加随机的状态。



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