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The Continuum of Aging and Age-Related Diseases: Common Mechanisms but Different Rates




Geroscience, the new interdisciplinary field that aims to understand the relationship between aging and chronic age-related diseases (ARDs) and geriatric syndromes (GSs), is based on epidemiological evidence and experimental data that aging is the major risk factor for such pathologies and assumes that aging and ARDs/GSs share a common set of basic biological mechanisms. A consequence is that the primary target of medicine is to combat aging instead of any single ARD/GSs one by one, as favored by the fragmentation into hundreds of specialties and sub-specialties. If the same molecular and cellular mechanisms underpin both aging and ARDs/GSs, a major question emerges: which is the difference, if any, between aging and ARDs/GSs? The hypothesis that ARDs and GSs such as frailty can be conceptualized as accelerated aging will be discussed by analyzing in particular frailty, sarcopenia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson as well as Down syndrome as an example of progeroid syndrome. According to this integrated view, aging and ARDs/GSs become part of a continuum where precise boundaries do not exist and the two extremes are represented by centenarians, who largely avoided or postponed most ARDs/GSs and are characterized by decelerated aging, and patients who suffered one or more severe ARDs in their 60s, 70s, and 80s and show signs of accelerated aging, respectively. In between these two extremes, there is a continuum of intermediate trajectories representing a sort of gray area. Thus, clinically different, classical ARDs/GSs are, indeed, the result of peculiar combinations of alterations regarding the same, limited set of basic mechanisms shared with the aging process. Whether an individual will follow a trajectory of accelerated or decelerated aging will depend on his/her genetic background interacting lifelong with environmental and lifestyle factors. If ARDs and GSs are manifestations of accelerated aging, it is urgent to identify markers capable of distinguishing between biological and chronological age to identify subjects at higher risk of developing ARDs and GSs. To this aim, we propose the use of DNA methylation, N-glycans profiling, and gut microbiota composition to complement the available disease-specific markers.
机译:Geroscience是一个新的跨学科领域,旨在了解衰老与慢性衰老相关疾病(ARDs)和老年综合症(GSs)之间的关系,该研究基于流行病学证据和实验数据,即衰老是此类疾病的主要危险因素,并假设衰老和ARDs / GSs具有共同的基本生物学机制。结果是,医学的主要目标是对抗衰老,而不是一劳永逸地对抗任何单一的ARD / GS,因为将其细分成数百个专业和子专业。如果衰老和ARDs / GSs的分子和细胞机制相同,就会出现一个主要问题:衰老和ARDs / GSs之间的区别是什么?可以将ARDs和GSs如衰弱等概念化为加速衰老的假说,将通过特别分析衰弱,肌肉减少症,慢性阻塞性肺疾病,癌症,神经退行性疾病(如阿尔茨海默氏病和帕金森氏病)以及唐氏综合症(作为早衰的一个例子)进行讨论。综合症。根据这种综合观点,衰老和ARDs / GSs成为不存在精确界限的连续体的一部分,并且两个极端由百岁老人代表,他们在很大程度上避免或推迟了大多数ARDs / GSs并以衰老为特征,而患者在60年代,70年代和80年代经历了一次或多次严重ARD,并分别显示出加速老化的迹象。在这两个极端之间,存在代表灰色区域的中间轨迹的连续体。因此,实际上,临床上不同的经典ARDs / GS是与衰老过程共享的相同,有限的基本机制集有关的特殊变化组合的结果。一个人是否会遵循加速或减速衰老的轨迹,将取决于他/她的遗传背景,以及终身与环境和生活方式因素的相互作用。如果ARDs和GSs是加速衰老的表现,则迫切需要鉴定能够区分生物学年龄和年代年龄的标记物,以鉴定罹患ARDs和GSs的较高风险的受试者。为此,我们建议使用DNA甲基化,N-聚糖谱分析和肠道菌群组成来补充可用的疾病特异性标记。



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