首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Medicine >Attribution of Neuropsychiatric Manifestations to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Attribution of Neuropsychiatric Manifestations to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus




Neuropsychiatric (NP) involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is one of the most severe manifestations of the disease that has a heavy impact on patient’s functioning, quality of life, and disease outcome. The prevalence is highly variable and the clinical phenotypes vary from common syndromes to rare NP entities. Its occurrence may be the result of a primary manifestation of SLE, secondary to other conditions (such as infections or metabolic disturbances) or the effect of concomitant comorbidities that often complicate the disease course. Correct attribution of NP events may pose diagnostic challenges and it is a critical factor in selecting the correct management. Although there is still no diagnostic gold standard to rightly diagnose NPSLE syndromes, great advances have been made in improving the clinician judgment in the evaluation process. In this narrative review, we present and discuss available evidence concerning NPSLE with a special focus on the attribution models developed using composite decision rules to ascribe NP events to SLE.
机译:神经精神病(NP)参与系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)是该病最严重的表现之一,严重影响患者的功能,生活质量和疾病结局。患病率高度可变,临床表型从常见综合征到稀有NP实体不等。它的发生可能是SLE的主要表现,继发于其他疾病(例如感染或代谢紊乱)的结果,或者是通常使疾病进程复杂化的伴随合并症的结果。 NP事件的正确归因可能带来诊断挑战,这是选择正确管理方法的关键因素。尽管仍然没有正确诊断NPSLE综合征的诊断金标准,但是在评估过程中改善临床医生判断方面已经取得了很大进展。在这篇叙述性综述中,我们介绍并讨论了有关NPSLE的可用证据,特别关注使用复合决策规则将NP事件归因于SLE的归因模型。



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