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Bringing Cardiovascular Comorbidities in Acromegaly to an Update. How Should We Diagnose and Manage Them?




Patients with acromegaly frequently develop cardiovascular comorbidities, which significantly affect their morbidity and contribute to an increased all-cause mortality. In this regard, the most frequent complications that these patients may encounter include hypertension, cardiomyopathy, heart valve disease, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, and coronary artery disease. The specific underlying mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of these comorbidities are not always fully understood, but uncontrolled GH/IGF-I excess, age, prolonged disease duration, and coexistence of other cardio-vascular risk factors have been identified as significant influencing predisposing factors. It is important that clinicians bear in mind the potential development of cardiovascular comorbidities in acromegalic patients, in order to promptly tackle them, and avoid the progression of cardiac abnormalities. In many cases, this approach may be performed using straightforward screening tools, which will guide us for further diagnosis and management of cardiovascular complications. This article focuses on those cardiovascular comorbidities that are most frequently encountered in acromegalic patients, describes their pathophysiology, and suggests some recommendations for an early and optimal diagnosis, management and treatment.
机译:肢端肥大症患者经常出现心血管合并症,这严重影响了他们的发病率并导致全因死亡率增加。在这方面,这些患者可能遇到的最常见并发症包括高血压,心肌病,心脏瓣膜疾病,心律不齐,动脉粥样硬化和冠状动脉疾病。这些合并症的病理生理学中涉及的特定潜在机制并不总是被完全理解,但是已确定不受控制的GH / IGF-1过量,年龄,疾病持续时间延长以及其他心血管危险因素的共存是重要的诱发因素。重要的是,临床医生必须牢记肢端肥大症患者的心血管合并症的潜在发展,以便及时解决它们并避免心脏异常的进展。在许多情况下,可以使用简单的筛查工具执行此方法,这将指导我们进一步诊断和管理心血管并发症。本文重点介绍肢端肥大症患者最常见的心血管合并症,描述其病理生理,并为早期和最佳诊断,治疗和治疗提出一些建议。



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