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Effect of Soaking and Roasting on the Physicochemical and Pasting Properties of Soybean Flour




The effects of soaking and roasting on the physicochemical and pasting properties of soybean flour were evaluated. Soybean seeds were soaked overnight in tap water for 0–72 h, hand dehulled, dried, and part of the sample was roasted. Roasted and unroasted soy beans were milled into flour and analyzed. The results showed that the total carbohydrates (22.8–27.9 g/100 g), the ash content (3.5–3.6 g/100 g), and the total polyphenols (0.29–0.51 g/100g) did not significantly change during both the soaking and roasting processes. However, the total proteins (35.8–46.0 g/100 g) and lipid contents (21.4–29.5 g/100 g) were significantly (p < 0.05) affected only by soaking, with a decrease in total protein and an increase in lipid contents. Phytate content (0.22–0.26 g/100 g) decreased significantly (p < 0.05) only with roasting. The tannins (0.01–0.30 g/100 g) and soluble proteins (4.0–29.0 g/100 g) significantly (p < 0.05) diminished with both treatments. There was a significant increase in the least gelation concentration (20–30 g/100 mL), a decrease in the swelling power (1.3–2.0 mL/mL), and consequently, reduction in the viscosity (range peak viscosity 18–210 cP) of the flour slurry after soaking and roasting. All these qualities—needed for producing nutritious flour for infants—highlighted the efficiency of these endogenous technologies.
机译:评估了浸泡和烘烤对大豆粉理化和糊化特性的影响。将大豆种子在自来水中浸泡过夜,时间为0-72小时,然后脱壳,干燥,然后烘烤部分样品。将烤制和未烤制的大豆磨成面粉并进行分析。结果表明,在浸泡过程中,总碳水化合物(22.8–27.9 g / 100 g),灰分(3.5–3.6 g / 100 g)和总多酚(0.29–0.51 g / 100g)均没有显着变化和烘焙过程。但是,总蛋白质(35.8–46.0 g / 100 g)和脂质含量(21.4–29.5 g / 100 g)仅受浸泡影响显着(p <0.05),总蛋白质减少,脂质含量增加。仅焙烤时,磷酸盐含量(0.22-0.26 g / 100 g)显着降低(p <0.05)。两种处理均使单宁(0.01–0.30 g / 100 g)和可溶性蛋白质(4.0–29.0 g / 100 g)显着降低(p <0.05)。最低胶凝浓度(20–30 g / 100 mL)显着增加,溶胀力(1.3–2.0 mL / mL)降低,因此粘度降低(范围峰值粘度18–210 cP )浸泡和烘烤后的面粉浆。所有这些品质-生产婴幼儿营养面粉所需-突出了这些内源性技术的效率。



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