首页> 外文期刊>Fibres & textiles in Eastern Europe >Current Trends on the World Textile Market and the Competitiveness of the Serbian Textile Industry' href='article979.html'>Current Trends on the World Textile Market and the Competitiveness of the Serbian Textile IndustryAuthors: Corovic Enes

Current Trends on the World Textile Market and the Competitiveness of the Serbian Textile Industry' href='article979.html'>Current Trends on the World Textile Market and the Competitiveness of the Serbian Textile IndustryAuthors: Corovic Enes

机译:世界纺织品市场的当前趋势与塞尔维亚纺织业的竞争力” href =“ article979.html”>世界纺织品市场的当前趋势与塞尔维亚纺织业的竞争力作者:Corovic Enes



International trade in textiles and clothing has showed more dynamic growth in the last decade in terms of trends in the global production of textile and clothing products. Developing countries, especially those from the Asian region, are the world’s leading textile exporters, which is one of the key levers of their rapid economic growth, while the textile industry in Serbia is among the leading export sectors of the country’s economy despite the serious development issues brought about by the transition process. For the purpose of this paper, the particular analytical tools of the methodology developed by the International Trade Centre (ITC), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) were selected. The simplified national export profile – NEP, which gives an overview of the national economy’s export performance by product (both in static and dynamic terms), was used for the analysis of Serbia’s textile industry. In addition, the Balassa index of revealed comparative advantage (RCA) was also used in this paper. Analysis of the competitiveness of the aforementioned industry regarding relative changes in its share in the world market indicates positive changes of Serbia in this area. Relevant indicators are satisfactory, as well as the industry’s specialisation in reation to the global average and export performances of the main export product. However, speaking from the perspective of the export structure, especially trends related to the share of subcontracting, i.e. outward processing, it is clear that the competitiveness of the textile industry in Serbia is primarily based on pricing.
机译:在过去十年中,就全球纺织品和服装产品生产的趋势而言,纺织品和服装的国际贸易显示出更加强劲的增长。发展中国家,尤其是亚洲地区的发展中国家,是世界领先的纺织品出口国,这是其快速经济增长的关键杠杆之一,尽管发展迅速,塞尔维亚的纺织业仍是该国经济的主要出口部门过渡过程带来的问题。出于本文的目的,选择了由国际贸易中心(ITC),世界贸易组织(WTO)和联合国贸易和发展会议(UNCTAD)开发的方法的特定分析工具。简化的国家出口概况– NEP,按产品(静态和动态)概述了国民经济的出口绩效,用于分析塞尔维亚的纺织工业。此外,本文还使用了具有比较优势的Balassa指数(RCA)。关于上述行业在世界市场中份额的相对变化的竞争力分析表明,塞尔维亚在该领域发生了积极变化。相关指标令人满意,并且该行业对与主要出口产品的全球平均水平和出口表现有关的专业化水平也令人满意。但是,从出口结构的角度讲,特别是与分包,即外发加工份额有关的趋势,很明显,塞尔维亚纺织工业的竞争力主要取决于价格。



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