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Review of Forgotten Places: Uneven Development in Rural America Edited by Thomas A. Lyson and William W. Falk

机译:Thomas A. Lyson和William W. Falk编辑的《被遗忘的地方回顾:美国农村地区的不平衡发展》



The editors and authors of this fine collection of articles, though mostly sociologists, demonstrate how geography is in a sense destiny to the rural poor. By focusing on nine regions spanning the country from New England to the Rio Grande Valley to the Pacific Northwest, they show how social as well as spatial isolation has created common problems among a rural underclass that is "forgotten" by mainstream America. Socio-spatial isolation may take many forms, but the outcome for all the places studied is the same: lack of full participation in American economic life. Educational isolation in the Black Belt of the South has produced a population only half of which has a high school education. In Mississippi, traditional paternalistic society and attendant race and class separatism has produced dependency and small spheres of opportunity for the region's blacks and single-parent families, and thus some of the lowest poverty rates in the nation. Per capita earnings in the Lower Mississippi Delta region are a full 20 to 25% lower than the rest of the nation. Isolation may also be more explicitly physical, as in the Missouri Ozarks where the decline of the backwoods timber and mining industries has produced an underclass of low wage service workers in the now flourishing tourist industry. The Ozarks article documents a type of informal economy working in Douglas County, Missouri, that is far removed from the experience of most of us working in a post-industrial society. Families have found ways to survive without cash . (some better than others), by gardening, stock raising, food preservation, and trading and sharing of all types of goods and services, all that defy quantification: "The value of orange-yolked, fresh eggs is different from the retail store price of factory eggs. The value of giving them is different from the value of selling them" (p. 44).
机译:这些精选的文章的编辑和作者,尽管大多数都是社会学家,但它们说明了地理在某种意义上是农村穷人的命运。通过关注从新英格兰到里奥格兰德河谷到西北太平洋地区的九个地区,他们展示了社会以及空间上的隔离是如何在被美国主流“遗忘”的农村下层阶级中造成共同问题的。社会空间隔离可以采取多种形式,但是所研究的所有地方的结果都是相同的:缺乏充分参与美国经济生活的机会。南部黑带的教育隔离产生了人口,其中只有一半受过高中教育。在密西西比州,传统的家长式社会以及随之而来的种族和阶级分离主义为该地区的黑人和单亲家庭带来了依赖性和机会的小范围,因此,该国的贫困率最低。下密西西比河三角洲地区的人均收入比全国其他地区低20至25%。隔离也可能是更明确的物理隔离,例如在密苏里州的奥扎克斯(Mousouri Ozarks),偏僻的木材和采矿业的衰落在如今蓬勃发展的旅游业中造成了低等的低薪服务工人。 Ozarks的文章记录了一种在密苏里州道格拉斯县工作的非正规经济,与我们大多数在后工业社会工作的经验相去甚远。家庭已经找到没有现金的生存方式。 (比其他产品更好),通过园艺,畜牧业,食品保鲜以及所有类型的商品和服务的交易和共享,所有这些都无法量化:“橙黄色的新鲜鸡蛋的价值与零售价格不同出售它们的价值与出售它们的价值不同”(第44页)。



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