首页> 外文期刊>Great Plains Research >Health Care Utilization and The Status of Latinos in Rural Meat Processing Communities

Health Care Utilization and The Status of Latinos in Rural Meat Processing Communities




Using interviews conducted in two Nebraska communities, we illustrate health-care challenges for Latinos in meat-processing communities. Two hundred twenty-one Latinos (48% male), primarily of Mexican descent, were interviewed face-to-face by bilingual interviewers. Fifteen percent of the respondents are between the ages of 20 and 24, 75% are between 25 and 44, and 10% are between 45 and 64. Nearly half have lived in the United States for five or fewer years. Aday's (1993) framework for predicting populations at risk is used to identify factors affecting health status and utilization. These factors include measures of human capital, social status, and social capital. It is found that barriers to utilization include, among others, transportation, lack of understanding of the health-care system, income, insurance, inconvenient office hours or location, and distrust of doctors. Variables significantly affecting health status include age, length of residence, and perceived racism. Policy recommendations are considered based on the findings.
机译:通过在内布拉斯加州的两个社区进行的采访,我们说明了肉类加工社区中拉丁美洲人的医疗保健挑战。双语访问员面对面采访了主要来自墨西哥裔的211名拉丁美洲人(男性占48%)。 15%的受访者年龄在20至24岁之间,其中75%的年龄在25至44岁之间,而10%的年龄在45至64岁之间。将近一半的人在美国居住了五年或更短的时间。 Aday(1993)的预测危险人群的框架用于确定影响健康状况和利用率的因素。这些因素包括人力资本,社会地位和社会资本的度量。发现利用方面的障碍包括:交通运输,对医疗保健系统的了解不足,收入,保险,办公时间或地点的不便以及对医生的不信任。影响健康状况的变量包括年龄,居住时间和种族歧视。根据调查结果考虑政策建议。



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