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Review of "Reptiles and Amphibians of the Cimarron National Grasslands Morton" by Joseph T. Collins and Suzanne L. Collins

机译:Joseph T. Collins和Suzanne L. Collins评述“西马龙国家草原莫顿的爬行动物和两栖动物”



This small book (pamphlet) provides information about the amphibians and reptiles for the general reader or casual visitor to the Cimarron National Grasslands in southwestern Kansas. Some of the information derives from a brief field trip by the authors in 1987 or from museum specimens and technical literature, but most of the information is not new. Much of the material (some verbatim) comes from J. T. Collins' previous semipopular books on Kansas herpetiles. After a short introduction and a brief discussion of the history of herp collections in the county there is a checklist of the 31 species, a note about threatened and endangered species in Kansas, and comments on how to observe amphibians and reptiles. The remainder of the booklet consists of accounts of species that provide details of identification, size, distribution, and an assortment of natural history information ranging from food to breeding to predators. There are excellent color photographs (seven of these can be found in black and white in Collins' previous book) of all the species as well as selected major habitats of the Cimarron Grasslands. The style is readable and although no glossary of terms is provided, a minimum of technical terms is used without definitions (e.g., cloaca and spermatophore). Most accounts have comments that reinforce the importance of amphibians and reptiles as a component of the environment which blend well with the overall theme of environmental awareness. The section on "how the species accounts are organized..." would be better placed immediately before the accounts rather than being interrupted by other sections. The lay reader may be puzzled about why some technical names in the checklist consist of three names and others are binomial but the authors are careful to use the appropriate common name that is applicable to either the binomial or trinomial scientific name.
机译:这本小书(小册子)为堪萨斯州西南部的Cimarron国家草原的普通读者或临时访客提供了有关两栖动物和爬行动物的信息。其中一些信息来自作者于1987年进行的一次简短实地考察或博物馆的标本和技术文献,但大多数信息并不是新信息。大部分材料(逐字记录)来自J. T. Collins以前关于堪萨斯疱疹的半流行书籍。在简短介绍该县的疱疹收藏历史之后,对这31种物种进行了清单核对,列出了堪萨斯州濒危和濒临灭绝物种的注释,并评论了如何观察两栖动物和爬行动物。手册的其余部分包括提供详细的识别,大小,分布以及各种自然历史信息(从食物到繁殖再到捕食者)的物种信息。关于所有物种以及Cimarron草原的主要栖息地,都有出色的彩色照片(其中有七张可以在Collins的前书中以黑白找到)。该样式可读,尽管未提供术语表,但使用了最少的技术术语而未定义(例如泄殖腔和精子)。大多数帐户的评论都强调了两栖动物和爬行动物作为环境组成部分的重要性,并将其与环境意识的总体主题很好地融合在一起。最好将“物种帐户的组织方式...”部分放在帐户之前,而不是被其他部分打断。普通读者可能会感到困惑,为什么清单中的某些技术名称由三个名称组成,而其他一些则是二项式的,但作者要谨慎使用适用于二项式或三项式科学名称的适当通用名称。



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