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Response of Riparian Vegetation to Streamflow Regulation and Land Use in the Great Plains




The influence of human activities on riparian zone vegetation differs markedly by ecoregion and stream size. Large rivers, dams and water diversions affect ecological processes more than local land uses do. However, for small streams, the reverse is generally true. Examples demonstrating these relationships include studies completed on the Missouri River in North Dakota, the Platte River in Nebraska, and Foster Creek in western South Dakota. On the Missouri River, damming has stopped river meandering and the regeneration of riparian forests in gaps between reservoirs. In contrast, on the Platte River, diversion of a large portion of the flow for cropland irrigation has contributed to the expansion of riparian forests. And on Foster Creek, the riparian zone was destroyed by homesteading early in this century; however, the creek is recovering because of improved land management. I conclude that restoration methods need to be tailored to deal with the large variation in stream response to human use.
机译:人类活动对河岸带植被的影响因生态区域和河流规模而显着不同。大型河流,水坝和调水对生态过程的影响要大于当地土地使用。但是,对于小溪流,通常情况恰好相反。证明这些关系的例子包括在北达科他州的密苏里河,内布拉斯加州的普拉特河和南达科他州西部的福斯特河完成的研究。在密苏里河上,筑坝阻止了河流蜿蜒和水库之间缝隙中河岸森林的再生。相反,在普拉特河(Platte River)上,很大一部分水流被用于农田灌溉,这促进了河岸森林的扩张。在福斯特克里克(Foster Creek),沿岸地区在本世纪初因宅基地破坏而被摧毁。但是,由于土地管理的改善,小溪正在恢复。我得出的结论是,需要对恢复方法进行定制,以应对人类对河流响应的巨大变化。



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