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Review of The Dust Rose Like Smoke: The Subjugation of the Zulu and the Sioux by James O. Gump




Comparisons have often been made between the 1876 Sioux victory at the Little Big Horn and the 1879 Zulu victory at Isandhlwana, but James O. Gump's The Dust Rose Like Smoke goes beyond examination of these two battles. In fact, the discussion of the battles takes up only one chapter while the main body of the book examines events prior to and subsequent to these famous battles. This is a thorough survey that traces the Sioux and Zulu histories from the time before contact with the conquering powers and continues through the aftermath of the battles into the twentieth century. Gump masterfully switches back and forth between the Zulu and the Sioux narratives. Each segment is long enough to maintain a connection with the complementary segment and together they create a continuity in the overall narrative. Instead of focusing on just the similarities, as is true of some comparisons, Gump emphasizes the differences in order to connect the striking similarities in the Zulu and Sioux histories. For example, The Zulu and the Sioux used divergent methods to achieve the same end. Both native groups dominated their territory at the time of Isandhlwana and the Little Big Horn. The Sioux rose to prominence through decentralization into numerous small bands under a variety of capable leaders, while the Zulu dominated through strong centralization under one leader with absolute authority.
机译:1876年苏族(Sioux)在小大角城(Little Big Horn)的胜利与1879年祖鲁(Zulu)在Isandhlwana的胜利之间经常进行比较,但詹姆斯·O·阿甘(James O. Gump)的《尘烟如烟》超出了这两场战斗的考验。实际上,关于战斗的讨论只占一章,而本书的主体则考察了这些著名战斗之前和之后的事件。这是一份彻底的调查,追溯了苏族和祖鲁族从与征服大国接触之前的历史,一直持续到二十世纪的战斗余波。阿甘正熟练地在祖鲁语和苏族叙述之间来回切换。每个部分足够长,可以与互补部分保持联系,并且它们一起在整体叙事中产生连续性。阿甘不像某些比较那样只关注相似之处,而是强调差异,以联系祖鲁族和苏族历史上惊人的相似之处。例如,祖鲁语和苏族人使用不同的方法来达到相同的目的。在伊桑德拉瓦纳(Isandhlwana)和小大角羊(Little Big Horn)时代,这两个土著民族都统治着他们的领土。苏族人通过在各种有能力的领导人的领导下下放到众多小集团中而声名显赫,而祖鲁人则通过在一个拥有绝对权力的领导者下的强有力的中央集权统治了整个世界。



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