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Review of "The Government and Politics of the Alberta Metis Settlements” by T. C. Pocklington

机译:T. C. Pocklington对“艾伯塔省梅蒂斯住区的政府和政治”的评论



With the emergence of native issues such as land claims and self-government in the Canadian constitutional debate, Pocklington's non-technical, informative, and exploratory book as emerged at a timely moment. A void of scholarship about the Metis has been observed by historians such as Frideres and Friesen. Pocklington has attempted to fill that void, but acknowledges the complexity of his study since the "government and politics ... as they function in small communities like the settlements is intimidating [as] it is difficult to identify the various players, much less to discover how they interact" (p. xiii).
机译:随着加拿大宪法辩论中诸如土地所有权和自治等本土问题的出现,波克灵顿的非技术性,信息性和探索性书籍适时出现。 Frideres和Friesen等历史学家已经观察到关于梅蒂斯的学术空白。 Pocklington试图填补这一空白,但承认自“政府和政治……因为它们在像定居点这样的小社区中起作用时,这令人生畏,因为难以确定各种参与者,更不用说了,这是因为他的研究很复杂。发现他们如何互动”(第xiii页)。



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