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Review of Wild Animals and Settlers on the Great Plains by Eugene D. Fleharty

机译:尤金·D·弗莱哈蒂(Eugene D.Fleharty)评论大平原上的野生动物和定居者



Wild Animals and Settlers on the Great Plains is an informative but flawed book. As an example of environmental history written by a biologist unacquainted with the fundamentals of doing history, it fails to offer any theory (or theories) of history governing the time and place under scrutiny. What it does provide is a huge amount of information drawn from diaries, letters, and newspapers in an inadequately edited form. Lacking primary quantitative data, Eugene Fleharty, a zoologist at Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas, painstakingly provides a great deal of qualitative, albeit anecdotal, information about Euro-American settlement in Kansas and its effect on the native animal population. (Another problem is the title of the book, which purports to deal with the Great Plains but only examines Kansas. Fleharty explains that his state is representative, but I wonder if the impact on wildlife habitat of cattle ranches and cotton farms in Texas is the same as the wheat and sunflower fields of North Dakota, to say nothing of Canada.)
机译:《大平原上的野生动物和定居者》是一本内容丰富但有缺陷的书。作为一位不了解历史基础的生物学家写的环境历史的一个例子,它没有提供任何有关受审查时间和地点的历史理论(或理论)。它确实提供了从日记,信件和报纸中以未经适当编辑的形式获取的大量信息。缺乏主要的定量数据,位于堪萨斯州海斯的福特海斯州立大学的动物学家Eugene Fleharty尽心尽力地提供了大量关于堪萨斯州欧裔美国人定居及其对本地动物种群影响的定性信息,尽管这是轶事。 (另一个问题是这本书的标题,该书的标题是与大平原打交道,但仅考察堪萨斯州。弗莱哈蒂解释说,他的州具有代表性,但我想知道德克萨斯州的牧场和棉花农场对野生动植物栖息地的影响是否与北达科他州的麦田和向日葵田一样,更不用说加拿大了。)



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