首页> 外文期刊>Great Plains Research >Effects of Atmospheric Change and Agriculture on the Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of Prairie Wetlands

Effects of Atmospheric Change and Agriculture on the Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of Prairie Wetlands




Relatively little is known about the factors which regulate in water biogeochemical processes and food chains in prairie wetlands. Climatic warming, increased UV-radiation and agricultural activities will have interacting effects on these wetlands. We examined the effects of these processes on prairie wetland functioning and productivity with particular emphasis on production and cycling of organic carbon, especially dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Autotrophic and heterotrophic production are temperature dependent and temperature increases or decreases could affect production under more extreme climate change scenarios. DOC concentrations could decrease with increasing bacterial production and photolysis, leading to increases in UV-radiation penetration. This is pertinent to prairie wetlands because of their general shallowness. Considering the potential consequences of climatic warming, increased UV-radiation and agricultural activity on biogeochemistry and food chains, it is imperative that we obtain an understanding of the major rate processes in prairie wetlands and how these may be affected by external processes.
机译:对草原湿地中水生物地球化学过程和食物链调控的因素知之甚少。气候变暖,紫外线辐射增加和农业活动将对这些湿地产生相互作用的影响。我们研究了这些过程对草原湿地功能和生产力的影响,特别着重于有机碳,特别是溶解有机碳(DOC)的生产和循环。自养和异养产量取决于温度,在更极端的气候变化情况下,温度的升高或降低可能会影响产量。 DOC浓度会随着细菌产量和光解作用的增加而降低,从而导致UV辐射渗透率增加。这与草原湿地有关,因为它们总体上很浅。考虑到气候变暖,紫外线辐射的增加以及农业活动对生物地球化学和食物链的潜在影响,当务之急是我们了解草原湿地的主要速率过程以及这些过程可能受到外部过程的影响。



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