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A Review of White-Tailed Deer Movements in the Great Plains Relative to Environmental Conditions




Movements of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Rafinesque) in the eastern Great Plains and Midwest were examined. The proportion of deer that move between distinct summer and winter home ranges varies among different populations. Seasonal migration between home ranges is influenced primarily by phenological period, agricultural activities, and the availability of cover and food. Corn provides a nearly unlimited source of cover and food in summer and early fall. In late fall and early winter, deer move to areas of permanent cover, such as wooded river bottoms, draws, or slopes. Hunting, crop harvest, or seasonal change may influence deer movements and distribution, depending on the past experiences of individual deer and their situation. Emigration rates increase with deer population density because of increased social pressures, increases mayor may not be proportional to the increase in overall populations. The ability of white-tailed deer to adapt to human activities has allowed them to thrive throughout the region, and current populations are stable to increasing. The availability of large tracts of secure winter cover and safe travel corridors between seasonal ranges are the primary factors limiting their populations.
机译:考察了大平原东部和中西部的白尾鹿(Odocoileus virginianus Rafinesque)的运动。在不同的夏季和冬季居所之间移动的鹿比例在不同的人群中有所不同。家庭范围之间的季节性迁移主要受物候期,农业活动以及被覆和食物的供应量影响。在夏季和初秋,玉米几乎可以提供无限的遮盖物和食物。在秋末和初冬,鹿会移动到永久性覆盖的区域,例如树木繁茂的河底,平地或斜坡。狩猎,庄稼收成或季节性变化可能会影响鹿的活动和分布,具体取决于个别鹿过去的经历及其状况。由于社会压力的增加,移民率随着鹿群密度的增加而增加,市长的增加可能与总人口的增加不成比例。白尾鹿适应人类活动的能力使它们得以在整个区域蓬勃发展,目前的种群数量稳定增长。大范围的安全冬季覆盖物和季节性范围之间的安全旅行走廊的可用性是限制其人口的主要因素。



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