首页> 外文期刊>Geographica helvetica >Untersuchungen über Zusammensetzung und Transport von Schwebstoffen in einigen Schweizer Flüssen

Untersuchungen über Zusammensetzung und Transport von Schwebstoffen in einigen Schweizer Flüssen




The amount and composition of suspended loadfrom 19 stations in Swiss rivers werestudied. Generally, the correlation between the amount of suspended load and of water discharge is good, althoughmeasurements over short periods of timeshow large fluctuations.The denudation rate was calculated from the suspended load discharge, the amount of elements inSolution, and the water discharge. Values of about0.05 mm/yr were obtained for drainage areasconsisting mainly of crystalline rocks and about0.25 mm/yr for drainage areas dominated by sedimentaryrocks.The mineralogical composition of the suspendedload determined by X-ray diffraction can be correlatedwith the rock types in the drainage areas.Composition changes resulting from transportationwere not observed. The clay fraction is mainly composedof illite and chlorite which was, for the mostpart, formed during mechanical weathering in theAlps.
机译:研究了瑞士河流中19个站点的悬浮物的数量和组成。通常,尽管短期内的测量显示出较大的波动,但悬吊负载量与排水量之间的相关性很好。根据悬吊负载排水量,溶液中的元素量和排水量计算出剥蚀率。对于主要由晶体岩组成的流域,测得的值约为0.05 mm / yr,对于以沉积岩为主的流域,测得的值约为0.25 mm / yr。流域的岩石类型没有观察到由于运输引起的成分变化粘土部分主要由伊利石和绿泥石组成,大部分是在阿尔卑斯山的机械风化过程中形成的。



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