首页> 外文期刊>Exatas Online >A imagem pública da Química apresentada nos artigos on-line da revista Ciência Hoje. The public image of Chemistry presented in the online articles of Ciencia Hoje magazine

A imagem pública da Química apresentada nos artigos on-line da revista Ciência Hoje. The public image of Chemistry presented in the online articles of Ciencia Hoje magazine

机译:化学的公共形象出现在CiênciaHoje杂志的在线文章中。 Ciencia Hoje杂志的在线文章中介绍了化学的公众形象



The present study was performed over of the analysis of the contents in the online articles of CienciaHoje magazine, Chemistry category, published on the years 2011 to 2012. The main objective was toidentify the public image of chemistry in these articles from the categories obtained in the initialinvestigation. The methodology considered most timely was Content Analysis which enables acritically understand the meaning of communications. By analyzing of the data, it can be agree that the public image of chemistry is portrayed as a useful science, central and interdisciplinary, reflecting apositive image. A negative image was also evidenced, being considered a polluting science which facesa hostile environment before the society. Therefore, the public image of chemistry obtained in theCiencia Hoje magazine is quite coherent with the initial investigation and can be classified in twodimensions: positive and negative.
机译:本研究是对2011年至2012年出版的CienciaHoje杂志化学类别在线文章内容进行的分析。主要目的是从在《化学》杂志上获得的类别中识别化学的公众形象。初步调查。最及时的方法是“内容分析”,它可以批判性地理解通信的含义。通过对数据的分析,可以同意将化学的公共形象描绘为一门有用的科学,中央和跨学科的学科,反映出积极的形象。负面图像也被证明,被认为是污染性科学,在社会面前面临着敌对的环境。因此,Ciencia Hoje杂志获得的化学公众形象与最初的研究非常吻合,可以分为正面和负面两个维度。



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