首页> 外文期刊>European review of aging and physical activity >Relationship between a three-month physical conditioning “posture-balance-motricity and health education” (PBM-HE) program on postural and balance capacities of sedentary older adults: influence of initial motor profile

Relationship between a three-month physical conditioning “posture-balance-motricity and health education” (PBM-HE) program on postural and balance capacities of sedentary older adults: influence of initial motor profile




Background The aims of this study were (i) to define the relationship between a physical reconditioning cycle using balance exercises and muscular-articular stress and the balance capabilities of sedentary older adults and (ii) to assess whether older adults with weaker equilibrium abilities have a significantly limited progression. Our sample consisted of 338 people (263 women, 75 men) with an age, weight and height of 74.4?years (+/??8.6), 67?kg (+/??13.6) and 161.4?cm (+/??8) and with a body mass index of 25.6 (+/??4.3). The functional evaluations consisted of individual motor profile tests, monopodal eyes open and eyes closed for 30?s, a Timed Up and Go test (TUG) and stabilometric measurements on hard ground with eyes open for a duration of 25.6?s. The physical repackaging protocol was based on the 12-week Posture-Balance-Motricity and Health Education (PBM-ES) method with two 90-min weekly group sessions. Results The evolution of the “posture” and “balance” variables was significantly associated with the equilibration capacities ( p ?0.001). For unipedal stance with open eyes on the dominant and non-dominant sides, respectively, the progressions were significant for the profiles of middle (OR: 4.78 and 2.42) and low levels (OR: 4.34 and 1.66). Eyes-closed progressions were non-significant for the low-level balance profiles. For the COP Surface and Length variables, compared to those with high levels of balance, respectively, the progressions were significant for the middle- (OR: 1.41 and 2.98) and low-level (OR: 2.91 and 3.28) profiles. Conclusions After a 3-month bi-weekly PBM-HE program, we observed that sedentary older adults with the lowest initial level of balance progressed significantly more than high-level individuals, but only for basic motor abilities. It turns out that even among the most deconditioned people and older adults, very significant progress can be made. This increase requires an individualized training content focused on initial mobilizable capacities.
机译:背景技术这项研究的目的是(i)定义使用平衡运动和肌肉-关节压力进行的物理调节周期与久坐不动的成年人的平衡能力之间的关系,以及(ii)评估平衡能力较弱的成年人是否具有平衡能力。明显限制了进展。我们的样本包括338人(263名女性,75名男性),年龄,体重和身高分别为74.4岁(+ /?8.6),67公斤(+ /?13.6)和161.4厘米(+ /?)。 8),体重指数为25.6(+/- 4.3)。功能评估包括单独的运动曲线测试,单脚双眼睁开和闭眼30?s,定时走动测试(TUG)和在坚硬地面上睁眼25.6?s的稳定度测量。物理重新包装协议基于12周姿势平衡运动和健康教育(PBM-ES)方法,每周两次,每次90分钟。结果“姿势”和“平衡”变量的演变与平衡能力显着相关(p <?0.001)。对于睁开眼在显性和非显性侧的单足姿势,分别在中间(OR:4.78和2.42)和低水平(OR:4.34和1.66)的轮廓上进展显着。闭眼进程对低水平的平衡曲线无意义。对于COP Surface和Length变量,分别与具有较高平衡级别的COP相比,对于中间(OR:1.41和2.98)和低水平(OR:2.91和3.28)配置文件,进展显着。结论经过为期3个月的双周PBM-HE计划,我们观察到久坐不动的老年人的初始平衡水平最低,其进步明显高于高水平人士,但仅针对基本运动能力。事实证明,即使在最残障的人和老年人中,也可以取得非常显着的进步。这种增加需要针对初始动员能力的个性化培训内容。



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