首页> 外文期刊>Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering >Optimization of Interference Effects on High-Rise Buildings for Different Wind Angle Using CFD Simulation

Optimization of Interference Effects on High-Rise Buildings for Different Wind Angle Using CFD Simulation




A numerical study by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation to obtain optimum spacing in between interfering and principal building where the interference effects are nullified and the be- havior of principal building will be the same as the isolated building. The analytical result of rectangular plan shape prismatic bluff bodies are investigated in a series of Fluid Flow (CFX) analysis to study the optimum spacing in between interfering and principal building at 0° and 90° wind angle. This study highlights the In- terference Factor (IF) of principal building which is similar to the an isolated building due to increasing spac- ing in between interfering and principal building. The plans of both the buildings are rectangular in shape and similar dimensions and principle axis. This study also highlights the IF, also found by the graphical represen- tation of different spacing between interfering building and principal building.



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