首页> 外文期刊>International Medical Case Reports Journal >Magnetic resonance imaging findings and neurodevelopmental outcomes in neonates with urea-cycle defects

Magnetic resonance imaging findings and neurodevelopmental outcomes in neonates with urea-cycle defects




Abstract: The urea-cycle functions to facilitate ammonia excretion, a disruption of which results in the accumulation of toxic metabolites. The neurological outcome of neonatal-onset urea-cycle defects (UCDs) is poor, and there are no good predictors of prognosis beyond ammonia levels at presentation. The role of neuroimaging in the prognosis of neonatal-onset UCDs is unclear. We describe the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of two patients with neonatal-onset UCDs (argininosuccinic aciduria and citrullinemia) at presentation and at 2-year follow-up, and present a review of the literature on neuroimaging in this age-group. We observed two potentially significant distinct patterns of cerebral involvement on MRI: (1) a central and focal pattern of involvement limited to the basal ganglia, perirolandic regions, and internal capsule; and (2) diffuse involvement of the cerebral cortex, internal capsule, basal ganglia, and variably thalami and brain stem. Patients with more diffuse findings tended to have higher serum glutamine peaks and worse neurological outcomes, while those with central involvement, aggressive acute management, and early liver transplantation tended to have better outcomes. We propose that MRI imaging of the brain may have prognostic value following presentation with neonatal UCDs, particularly in identifying patients at risk for poor outcome. The role and timing of follow-up neuroimaging is currently unclear. Further collaborative studies are necessary to evaluate whether patterns of MRI findings vary with specific UCD subtypes, and are predictive of clinical outcomes in neonatal UCDs.
机译:摘要:尿素循环的功能是促进氨的排泄,其破坏会导致有毒代谢产物的积累。新生儿尿素循环缺陷(UCDs)的神经学结果较差,目前尚无氨水平以上的预后良好预测指标。目前尚不清楚神经影像学在新生儿UCDs预后中的作用。我们介绍了在演示文稿和2年的随访中两名初发UCD(精氨酸琥珀酸尿症和瓜氨酸血症)的患者的磁共振成像(MRI)发现,并对这一年龄段的神经影像学文献进行了综述。我们在MRI上观察到了两种潜在的明显的脑部受累模式:(1)受累的中央和局灶性模式仅限于基底神经节,腹膜周围区域和内囊; (2)大脑皮层,内囊,基底神经节以及不同程度的丘脑和脑干的弥漫性受累。弥漫性发现的患者倾向于具有更高的血清谷氨酰胺峰和较差的神经系统学结果,而那些具有中枢性介入,积极的急性治疗和早期肝移植的患者则倾向于具有更好的结果。我们建议,在新生儿UCD出现后,大脑的MRI成像可能具有预后价值,特别是在识别风险低的患者中。目前尚不清楚后续神经成像的作用和时机。需要进一步的协作研究来评估MRI发现的模式是否随特定的UCD亚型而变化,并且可以预测新生儿UCD的临床结局。



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