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Partial and average copulas and association measures




For a pair $(Y_{1},Y_{2})$ of random variables there exist several measures of association that characterize the dependence between $Y_{1}$ and $Y_{2}$ by means of one single value. Classical examples are Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Kendall’s tau and Spearman’s rho. For the situation where next to the pair $(Y_{1},Y_{2})$ there is also a third variable $X$ present, so-called partial association measures, such as a partial Pearson’s correlation coefficient and a partial Kendall’s tau, have been proposed in the 1940’s. Following criticism on e.g. partial Kendall’s tau, better alternatives to these original partial association measures appeared in the literature: the conditional association measures, e.g. conditional Kendall’s tau, and conditional Spearman’s rho. Both, unconditional and conditional association measures can be expressed in terms of copulas. Even in case the dependence structure between $Y_{1}$ and $Y_{2}$ is influenced by a third variable $X$, we still want to be able to summarize the level of dependence by one single number. In this paper we discuss two different ways to do so, leading to two relatively new concepts: the (new concept of) partial Kendall’s tau, and the average Kendall’s tau. We provide a unifying framework for the diversity of concepts: global (or unconditional) association measures, conditional association measures, and partial and average association measures. The main contribution is that we discuss estimation of the newly-defined concepts: the partial and average copulas and association measures, and establish theoretical results for the estimators. The various concepts of association measures are illustrated on a real data example.
机译:对于一对$(Y_ {1},Y_ {2})$随机变量,存在几种关联度量,这些度量通过一个单个值来表征$ Y_ {1} $和$ Y_ {2} $之间的依赖性。经典的例子是Pearson的相关系数,Kendall的tau和Spearman的rho。对于在$(Y_ {1},Y_ {2})$对旁边还存在第三个变量$ X $的情况,即所谓的部分关联测度,例如部分皮尔逊相关系数和部分Kendall's tau,已于1940年代提出。受到批评后部分Kendall的tau,这些原始的部分关联度量的更好替代方法出现在文献中:条件关联度量,例如有条件的肯德尔的牛头和有条件的斯皮尔曼的rho。无条件的和有条件的关联度量都可以用系词表达。即使$ Y_ {1} $和$ Y_ {2} $之间的依存关系结构受到第三个变量$ X $的影响,我们仍然希望能够用一个单一的数字来概括依存程度。在本文中,我们讨论了两种不同的实现方法,从而提出了两个相对较新的概念:局部Kendall tau的(新概念)和平均Kendall tau。我们为概念的多样性提供了一个统一的框架:全局(或无条件)关联度量,有条件的关联度量以及部分和平均关联度量。主要的贡献是我们讨论了对新定义概念的估计:部分和平均copula和关联测度,并为估计器建立了理论结果。在真实数据示例中说明了关联度量的各种概念。



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