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ACTH gel in the treatment of multiple sclerosis exacerbation: a case study




Abstract: Patients may refuse, be unable to use, or show nonresponse to conventional steroid treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) exacerbation. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), one of several melanocortin peptides with mechanisms of action beyond steroidogenesis, should be reconsidered in the treatment of MS exacerbations. The current case report presents the treatment outcome of a patient with new-onset MS exacerbation treated with ACTH following lack of response to steroid treatment. A 49-year-old female presented with slurred speech, blurry vision, off-balance feeling, and possible left-sided mild internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Magnetic resonance imaging showed findings typical for primary demyelinating disease. Despite 5-day high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone treatment, the patient’s symptoms worsened, including right-sided facial weakness, gait instability that required unilateral support, drooling, and new dorsal pontine white matter lesion on magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment with ACTH gel 80 U for 5 consecutive days resulted in patient functional improvement, including vision and gait. ACTH gel treatment stabilized disease progression, allowing the initiation of long-term disease-modifying treatment with monthly intravenous natalizumab. Effects of melanocortin signaling on immune function and inflammation beyond steroidogenesis provide a basis for understanding the clinical experience with ACTH gel treatment in patients with MS exacerbation.
机译:摘要:患者可能拒绝,无法使用或对常规类固醇激素治疗多发性硬化(MS)加重无反应。促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)是具有除类固醇生成以外的作用机制的几种黑皮质素肽之一,应在MS加重的治疗中予以考虑。本病例报告介绍了对类固醇治疗无反应后接受ACTH治疗的新发MS急性加重患者的治疗结果。一名49岁的女性表现出言语不清,视力模糊,失衡感以及可能出现的左侧轻度核内眼肌麻痹。磁共振成像显示了典型的原发性脱髓鞘疾病的发现。尽管进行了为期5天的大剂量甲基强的松龙静脉注射治疗,患者的症状仍在恶化,包括右侧面部无力,步态不稳,需要单方面的支持,流口水,以及磁共振成像上出现的新的背侧桥脑白质病变。连续5天使用ACTH gel 80 U治疗可改善患者的功能,包括视力和步态。 ACTH凝胶治疗可稳定疾病进展,并允许每月静脉注射那他珠单抗开始长期疾病缓解治疗。黑素皮质激素信号转导对类固醇生成以外的免疫功能和炎症的影响为了解ACTH凝胶治疗MS加重患者的临床经验提供了基础。



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