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Tithing: an evaluation of the Biblical background




Tithe was practised in the Old Testament, but the New Testa- ment emphasises the attitude of the giver. Giving money is about relationships and goodwill. It is important that church members value their churches and commit themselves as con- stant givers. Tithing can be traced throughout the Old Testa- ment to the New Testament (cf. Heb.). This article will begin with an introduction that offers the practical situation that com- pelled the institution of the tithe, followed by the Biblical background of tithing and an explanation of the goods or produce that was subject to the tithe. This will be followed by an investigation of the Old Testament perspective on tithing, including a consideration of the first fruits, the offering and the theological implications. Subsequent to this, the New Testa- ment perspectives will receive attention. The NIV translation will be used as it is accepted as a good and reliable translation.
机译:什一税是在旧约中实践的,但是新约强调了施主的态度。捐钱是关系和善意。重要的是,教会成员珍视自己的教会并承诺自己是恒定的给予者。在整个旧约中可以追溯到新约(参见希伯来书)。本文将首先进行介绍,介绍构成什一税制度的实际情况,其次是什一税的圣经背景以及对什一税的商品或产品的解释。接下来是对旧约有关什一奉献的观点的研究,包括对初熟成果,奉献和神学意义的考虑。之后,新约的观点将受到关注。 NIV翻译将被接受,因为它是一种良好而可靠的翻译。



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