首页> 外文期刊>In die Skriflig >Wat sê die boek Amos en Handelinge 15:15-17 oor die/'n beloofde land?

Wat sê die boek Amos en Handelinge 15:15-17 oor die/'n beloofde land?

机译:《阿摩司与使徒行传》 15:15-17关于应许之地怎么说?



What do the book of Amos and Acts 15:15-17 say about the concept of the/a promised land? This article explores the importance of the concept of land in the book of Amos and in Acts 15:15-17. In the discussion of this concept the epilogue of Amos is referred to. The conclusion arrived at implies that the concept of land – in an universal context – maintains an important place, even in the promise of a future existence. Even other nations will share in this new kingdom. The idea of a universal kingdom is so important in Acts that the concept the/a land is not the primary focus. This article indicates that this is also the case in the Heidelberg Catechism's interpretation of the fifth and tenth commandments. Some theological implications for the land issue in South Africa are pointed out and some conclusions drawn about the “Day of the Vow”.
机译:《阿摩司与使徒行传》 15:15-17关于应许之地的概念怎么说?本文探讨了《阿摩司书》和使徒行传15:15-17中土地概念的重要性。在讨论这个概念时,提到了Amos的结尾。得出的结论表明,即使在有未来存在的希望的情况下,土地概念在普遍背景下仍占有重要地位。甚至其他国家也将分享这个新王国。在使徒行传中,普遍王国的概念是如此重要,以至于土地不是一个主要焦点。本文指出,海德堡教理会对第五条和第十条诫命的解释也是如此。指出了南非土地问题的一些神学意义,并就“誓言日”得出了一些结论。



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