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Amos: 'n teologie van bedreiging?




The book of Amos contains many undertones of threat, except in the epilogue which, according to many scholars, is redactional The question thus comes to the fore whether this characteristic implies that God is seen by Amos as a God of threat for whom one can only have fear. This article, however, points out Amos' moral justification of God's deeds. Israel's actions, on the other hand, display a self-centredness and a lack of theocentric and personal approach. Within this framework the history of salvation, especially the exodus and the conquest of the land, as well as the election, covenant and the idea of the remnant, is fossilised and God is made a captive of space, time and relations. However, Amos' proclamation implies that in reality God cannot be made captive - neither of such a religion nor of a theology of threat. Amos envisions a situation in which everything will comply with the real aim set for it/him.
机译:《阿摩司书》包含许多威胁的暗示,除了在结语中,据许多学者所说,这是寓言性的。因此,问题就凸显出来,即这一特征是否暗示着阿摩司把上帝视为威胁的上帝,只有他才能为之有恐惧感。但是,本文指出了阿摩司(Amos)对上帝事迹的道德辩护。另一方面,以色列的行动显示出自我中心,缺乏以神为中心和个人态度。在这个框架内,救赎的历史,特别是出埃及和征服土地,以及选举,盟约和残余的观念被僵化了,上帝成为了空间,时间和关系的俘虏。但是,阿莫斯的宣告意味着,实际上,上帝不能被俘虏-无论是这种宗教还是威胁神学。 Amos设想了一种情况,其中一切都会符合为其设定的真实目标。



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