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Samelewingsverandering en Skriftuurlike denkverandering




Change in society and scriptural thought changes. ?The declining traditional churches have undertaken to focus on scriptural thinking, striving for change in its calling of? Missio-Dei . Missional thinking requires a paradigm shift which takes time. A change in thought at congregational level and specifically its members, is not occurring at the same pace. Thought change brings uncertainty – also at the level of church identity. The identity crisis within the traditional church, exacerbated by new groups within society, further hampers the churches’ objective of missional change. The challenges posed by the pace of the changing context, are faster than traditional mainstream churches can accommodate. The diachronical approach regarding the declining mainstream churches and the influence of the fast developing society is directed according to different methodologies. This article seeks to raise the understanding regarding the identity crisis prevailing in the declining traditional churches, taking cognisance of the challenges that face such churches within an ever faster changing society.
机译:社会的变化和圣经思想的变化。 ?衰落的传统教堂已承诺将重点放在圣经思维上,力求改变其呼召方式。 Missio-Dei。传教思想要求范式转变,这需要时间。会众,特别是其成员的思想变化并没有以相同的速度发生。思想的改变带来了不确定性-也在教会的身份层面上。传统教会内部的身份危机由于社会内部新团体的加剧而进一步恶化,进一步阻碍了教会宣教改变的目标。不断变化的环境所带来的挑战,比传统的主流教会所能承受的要快。关于衰落的主流教会和快速发展的社会的影响的历时方法是根据不同的方法论来指导的。本文力求加深对正在下降的传统教堂中普遍存在的身份危机的理解,以了解在瞬息万变的社会中此类教堂所面临的挑战。



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