首页> 外文期刊>Earth, planets and space: EPS >Comparative petrogenetic investigation of Composite Ka?ar Batholith granitoids in Eastern Pontide magmatic arc—Northern Turkey

Comparative petrogenetic investigation of Composite Ka?ar Batholith granitoids in Eastern Pontide magmatic arc—Northern Turkey




The Pontides are an east-west trending orogenic belt which is subdivided into west, middle and eastern sectors according to their different tectonostratigraphy. The Eastern Pontides are represented by west-east-trending tectonic zones resulted from a common Mesozoic-Tertiary history, comprises dominantly of magmatic rocks. The magmatic belt in the Eastern Pontides includes a large batholith, termed the Composite Ka?ar Batholith (CKB) in which there are various granitic facies. The emplacement of CKB occurred in pulses between the Early Cretaceous and Eocene period during the development of the eastern Pontide magmatic arc and following collisional events. The members of the CKB are Dereli- ebinkarahisar (Giresun) in the west, southern Arakl? (Trabzon) in the middle and Kac?ar Mountain and its surrounding area (Rize) in the east. The plutons ranging from syenite through monzonite to granite are typically medium-high K calc-alkaline rarely tholeiitic and metaluminous I-type. The studied members of the CKB intrudes into the Late Cretaceous arc volcanics and are determined to be Late Cretaceous-Eocene (757 ±155; 412 ±089) in K-Ar age. The tectono-magmatic setting of the granitoids has been interpreted as an arc-related granitic suite, a post-collisional granitic suite and a post-orogenic granitic suite. Some plutons including mafic magmatic enclaves (MME) and K-feldspar megacrystals suggest magma mixing/mingling. HFS and LIL element geochemistry of the granitic intrusions also suggest that fractional crystallization, magma mixing/mingling and crustal contamination played an important role in the evolution of the CKB. All the data mentioned above show that the granitoids in the three different regions may have been derived from an arc, developed in response to the northward subduction of the northern branch of neo-Tethyan oceanic crust beneath the Eurasian plate in Late Cretaceous and a collision between the Pontide arc and the Anatolide-Tauride platform in Paleocene.
机译:庞蒂德斯是东西走向的造山带,根据构造地层的不同,分为西,中,东两部分。东庞德的特征是由中生代-第三纪的共同历史形成的东西向的构造带,主要由岩浆岩组成。东庞德特斯群岛的岩浆带包括一个大型的岩基,称为复合喀尔岩基(CKB),其中有各种花岗岩相。在东庞帝特岩浆弧发育期间以及随后的碰撞事件中,CKB的发生发生在早白垩世和始新世之间的脉冲中。 CKB的成员是位于西部,阿拉克南部的Dereli-ebinkarahisar(Giresun)? (Trabzon)位于中部,而Kac?ar Mountain及其周边地区(Rize)位于东部。从正长岩到单长锰矿再到花岗岩的云母通常为中高钾钙碱性,很少为疏松型和金属型I型。研究的CKB成员侵入到晚白垩世弧火山中,在K-Ar时代被确定为晚白垩世-始新世(757±155; 412±089)。花岗岩的构造-岩浆环境被解释为与弧有关的花岗岩组,碰撞后的花岗岩组和造山后的花岗岩组。包括镁铁质岩浆飞地(MME)和钾长石巨型晶体在内的一些小行星暗示着岩浆混合/混合。花岗岩侵入体的HFS和LIL元素地球化学也表明,部分结晶,岩浆混合/混合和地壳污染在CKB的演化中起着重要作用。上述所有数据表明,三个不同区域的花岗岩可能是弧形的,是响应晚白垩世欧亚板块下方新特提斯洋壳北分支北向俯冲而形成的。古新世的Pontide弧和Anatolide-Tauride平台。



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