首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Dentistry >Correlations between Perceived Oral Malodor Levels and Self-Reported Oral Complaints

Correlations between Perceived Oral Malodor Levels and Self-Reported Oral Complaints




Objectives. Even though objective data indicating the absence of oral malodor are presented to patients, they may be skeptical about the results, possibly due to the presence of some discomfort in the oral cavity. The objective of this study was to investigate whether there is an association among self-perceptions of oral malodor, oral complaints, and the actual oral malodor test result.Materials and Methods. Questions concerning self-perceptions of oral malodor and subjective intraoral symptoms were extracted from a questionnaire on oral malodor completed by 363 subjects who visited the clinic for oral malodor of Tokyo Dental College Chiba Hospital and gave consent to this study. In addition, the association of self-perception of oral malodor with values obtained after organoleptic and OralChroma measurement was analyzed.Results. No correlation between 195 subjects (54%) who were judged “with oral malodor” (organoleptic score of ≥1) and 294 subjects (81.6%) who had a self-perceptions of oral malodor was observed. Self-perception of oral malodor was significantly correlated with tongue coatingp=0.002and a strange intraoral tastep=0.016.Conclusions. Subjects with a self-perception of oral malodor were not necessarily consistent with those actually having an oral malodor. In addition, it was suggested that patients became aware of oral malodor when they felt oral complaints.
机译:目标。即使向患者提供了表明没有口腔异味的客观数据,但他们可能会对结果持怀疑态度,这可能是由于口腔中有些不适感所致。这项研究的目的是调查口腔恶臭的自我知觉,口腔主诉与实际口腔恶臭测试结果之间是否存在关联。材料与方法。从对口腔恶臭的自我感知和主观口腔内症状的问题中,从东京口腔大学千叶医院口腔恶臭门诊就诊的363名受试者中完成的口腔恶臭调查表中提取了问题,并同意了该研究。此外,还分析了口腔恶臭的自我感觉与感官和口服口红测量后获得的值之间的关系。观察到被判定为“口腔恶臭”(感官评分≥1)的195名受试者(54%)与具有口腔恶臭自我感觉的294名受试者(81.6%)之间没有相关性。口腔异味的自我感知与舌苔p = 0.002和奇怪的口腔内味p = 0.016密切相关。自我感觉到口腔恶臭的受试者不一定与实际患有口腔恶臭的受试者一致。另外,建议患者在感到口腔不适时意识到口腔恶臭。



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