首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Dentistry >Conservative Surgical Management of Stage I Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw

Conservative Surgical Management of Stage I Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw




Purpose. To report the efficacy of conservative surgical treatment for stage I bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ).Materials and Methods. This study reports the clinical outcomes of 63 patients treated for BRONJ stage I (according to Ruggiero's staging system) at the Oral Pathology and Laser-Assisted Surgery Unit of the University of Parma between January 2004 and January 2011. Surgical interventions were performed, under local analgesia, in patients unresponsive for a period of six months to noninvasive treatments such as cycles of local or systemic antibacterial therapy combined or not to low level laser therapy, ozone therapy, or Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. All interventions were performed after the consultation of oncologist or physician.Results. In our experience, conservative surgical treatment is associated with the highest number of BRONJ healed sites in stage I disease. Complete healing was observed in 92.6% of sites surgically treated.Conclusions. This study confirms that treatment of patients affected by minimal bone exposition, (stage I of BRONJ), through conservative surgical strategies, possibly with laser, may result in a high control of the disease in the long term.
机译:目的。报告保守手术治疗I期双膦酸酯相关性颌骨坏死(BRONJ)的疗效。材料和方法。这项研究报告了2004年1月至2011年1月间在帕尔马大学口腔病理学和激光辅助手术科接受BRONJ I期治疗的63例患者的临床结局(根据Ruggiero的分期系统)。在当地进行了手术干预镇痛,对无创治疗(例如局部或全身性抗菌治疗联合或不接受低剂量激光治疗,臭氧治疗或高压氧治疗)无效六个月的患者。所有干预均在肿瘤科医生或医师咨询后进行。根据我们的经验,保守手术治疗与I期疾病中BRONJ愈合部位最多有关。在92.6%的手术部位观察到完全愈合。这项研究证实,通过保守的手术策略(可能使用激光)对受骨暴露量最小(BRONJ的I期)影响的患者进行长期治疗可能会导致对该病的高度控制。



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