首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Dentistry >Rationale for the Use of CAD/CAM Technology in Implant Prosthodontics

Rationale for the Use of CAD/CAM Technology in Implant Prosthodontics

机译:在种植体修复中使用CAD / CAM技术的基本原理



Despite the predictable longevity of implant prosthesis, there is an ongoing interest to continue to improve implant prosthodontic treatment and outcomes. One of the developments is the application of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) to produce implant abutments and frameworks from metal or ceramic materials. The aim of this narrative review is to critically evaluate the rationale of CAD/CAM utilization for implant prosthodontics. To date, CAD/CAM allows simplified production of precise and durable implant components. The precision of fit has been proven in several laboratory experiments and has been attributed to the design of implants. Milling also facilitates component fabrication from durable and aesthetic materials. With further development, it is expected that the CAD/CAM protocol will be further simplified. Although compelling clinical evidence supporting the superiority of CAD/CAM implant restorations is still lacking, it is envisioned that CAD/CAM may become the main stream for implant component fabrication.
机译:尽管植入物假体具有可预测的寿命,但人们仍在继续关注改善植入物假牙治疗和效果的兴趣。其中一项发展是应用计算机辅助设计和计算机辅助制造(CAD / CAM)来从金属或陶瓷材料生产植入物基台和框架。这篇叙述性综述的目的是严格评估使用CAD / CAM进行种植修复的原理。迄今为止,CAD / CAM可以简化精确耐用的植入物组件的生产。贴合的精度已在多个实验室实验中得到证明,并归因于植入物的设计。铣削还有助于使用耐用且美观的材料制造零件。随着进一步的发展,预期将进一步简化CAD / CAM协议。尽管仍然缺乏支持CAD / CAM种植体修复的优越性的令人信服的临床证据,但可以预见CAD / CAM可能会成为植入物组件制造的主流。



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