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The Road Less Traveled in Elementary Physical Education: Exploring Human Relationship Skills in Adventure-Based Learning




Teachers who are looking for ways to develop social and emotional learning with their students can use a curriculum model called Adventure-Based Learning (ABL). ABL consists of structured physical activities (cooperative in nature) with periods of reflection. The purpose of this study was to explore elementary physical education students’ lived experience with intrapersonal and interpersonal relationship skills (IIRS) from an ABL unit of instruction. The aim of this study was to determine the credibility of an existing ABL student learning outcome model for use at the elementary school level in the United States. Findings indicated that the elementary students were able to connect, value, develop, and transfer the four IIRS over the course of the ABL unit. The findings provide plausible evidence that IIRS outcomes from the implementation of an ABL unit of instruction are possible to achieve at the elementary school level. Studies that further investigate student outcomes from participation in ABL at the elementary school level are recommended.
机译:正在寻找与学生发展社交和情感学习方式的老师可以使用称为基于冒险的学习(ABL)的课程模型。 ABL由结构化的身体活动(本质上是合作的)组成,具有反思的时间。这项研究的目的是通过ABL教学单元探索基本体育学生在人际和人际关系技巧(IIRS)方面的生活经验。这项研究的目的是确定在美国小学阶段使用的现有ABL学生学习成果模型的可信度。结果表明,在ABL单元的学习过程中,小学生能够连接,重视,发展和转移这四个IIRS。研究结果提供了有力的证据,表明在小学阶段可以通过实施ABL教学单元获得IIRS结果。建议进行进一步调查学生从小学阶段参与ABL的结果的研究。



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