首页> 外文期刊>Ecosphere >Roseate Tern breeding dispersal and fidelity: responses to two newly restored colony sites

Roseate Tern breeding dispersal and fidelity: responses to two newly restored colony sites

机译:玫瑰花 T ern繁殖扩散和保真度:对两个新近恢复的殖民地的反应



We used 22?yr of capture–mark–reencounter ( CMR ) data collected from 1988 to 2009 on about 12,500 birds at what went from three to five coastal colony sites in Massachusetts, New York, and Connecticut, United States, to examine spatial and temporal variation in breeding dispersal/fidelity rates of adult Roseate Terns (Sterna dougallii ). At the start of our study, Roseate Terns nested at only one site (Bird Island) in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, but two more sites in this bay (Ram and Penikese Islands) were subsequently recolonized and became incorporated into our CMR metapopulation study. We examined four major hypotheses about factors we thought might influence colony‐site fidelity and movement rates in the restructured system. We found some evidence that colony‐site fidelity remained higher at long‐established sites compared with newer ones and that breeding dispersal was more likely to occur among nearby sites than distant ones. Sustained predation at Falkner Island, Connecticut, did not result in a sustained drop in fidelity rates of breeders. Patterns of breeding dispersal differed substantially at the two restored sites. The fidelity of Roseate Terns at Bird dropped quickly after nearby Ram was recolonized in 1994, and fidelity rates for Ram soon approached those for Bird. After an oil spill in Buzzards Bay in April 2003, hazing (deliberate disturbance) of the terns at Ram prior to the start of egg‐laying resulted in lowering of fidelity at this site, a decrease in immigration from Bird, and recolonization of Penikese by Roseate Terns. Annual fidelity rates at Penikese increased somewhat several years after the initial recolonization, but they remained much lower there than at all the other sites throughout the study period. The sustained high annual rates of emigration from Penikese resulted in the eventual failure of the restoration effort there, and in 2013, no Roseate Terns nested at this site.
机译:我们使用1988年至2009年收集的22年捕获标记-再遇记(CMR)数据,对美国马萨诸塞州,纽约州和美国康涅狄格州三到五个沿海殖民地的约12,500只鸟类进行了调查,成年玫瑰燕鸥(Sterna dougallii)的繁殖扩散/保真率的时间变化。在研究开始时,Roseate Terns仅在马萨诸塞州巴扎德斯湾的一个地点(鸟岛)筑巢,但随后对该海湾的另外两个地点(Ram和Penikese群岛)进行了殖民化,并纳入了我们的CMR种群研究。我们研究了关于我们认为可能影响重组系统中殖民地保真度和移动率的因素的四个主要假设。我们发现一些证据表明,与较新的地点相比,历史悠久的地点的殖民地保真度仍然较高,并且附近地点的繁殖传播比远处的可能性更大。在康涅狄格州福克纳岛的持续捕食并没有导致育种者的保真度持续下降。在两个恢复的地点,繁殖扩散的模式大不相同。 1994年附近的公羊重新定居后,伯德的玫瑰燕鸥的保真度迅速下降,而公羊的保真度很快接近伯德的保真度。 2003年4月在Buzzards湾发生漏油事件之后,在开始产卵之前,Ram的燕鸥受到雾霾(故意扰乱)导致该地点的保真度降低,Bird的移民减少以及Penikese的重新定居。玫瑰燕鸥。最初重新定殖后的几年,Penikese的年保真率有所提高,但在整个研究期间,那里的保真率仍远低于其他所有场所。每年从Penikese移民的持续高速度导致那里的修复工作最终失败,并且在2013年,没有Rosenate Terns筑巢于此。



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