首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences >Coexisting tuberculosis of middle ear and maxillary sinus: a rare presentation

Coexisting tuberculosis of middle ear and maxillary sinus: a rare presentation




Coexisting tuberculosis of middle ear and paranasal sinuses is a diagnostic challenge due to rarity of occurrence and clinically variable presentation. A case of tuberculous otitis media along with involvement of maxillary sinus is reported. The patient presented with bilateral ear and nasal discharge for 4 years. Symptoms used to get partially alleviated with standard antimicrobial therapy. Otoscopy showed bilateral large, central perforations of tympanic membrane with granulations in the middle ear. In the nasal cavity, mucopurulent discharge was noted with crust formation. Pure tone audiometry (PTA) showed 63.3 dB moderately severe mixed hearing loss in right ear and 83.3 dB severe mixed hearing loss in the left ear. Patient underwent cortical mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty on left side with middle meatal antrostomy on right side. Pale granulation tissue from middle ear and mastoid as well as unhealthy mucosa from maxillary sinus was sent for histopathological evaluation which revealed a diagnosis of tuberculosis. On further work up patient was found to be sputum positive for acid fast bacilli (AFB). Antitubercular therapy was initiated with good follow-up response. Middle ear and maxillary sinus are rare sites involved in tubercular infections. Isolated cases of tuberculous otitis media or maxillary sinus have been reported but concomitant involvement of both these sites has not been reported in the available literature.
机译:中耳和鼻旁鼻窦并存的结核病是罕见的诊断挑战,因为这种疾病的发生和临床表现不佳。据报道一例结核性中耳炎并累及上颌窦。该患者出现双侧耳鼻涕4年。标准的抗微生物治疗可部分缓解症状。耳镜检查显示鼓膜的双侧大,中心穿孔,中耳有肉芽。在鼻腔中发现粘液性尿液排出并形成结皮。纯音测听(PTA)显示右耳为63.3 dB中度严重混合性听力损失,左耳为83.3 dB中度严重混合性听力损失。患者左侧接受了皮质乳突切除术和鼓膜成形术,右侧进行了中部肉吻合术。来自中耳和乳突的苍白肉芽组织以及来自上颌窦的不健康的粘膜被送去进行组织病理学评估,从而揭示出结核病的诊断。在进一步的检查中,发现患者痰液中的抗酸杆菌(AFB)阳性。开始抗结核治疗并获得良好的随访反应。中耳和上颌窦是结核感染的罕见部位。已有报告称结核性中耳炎或上颌窦有个别病例,但现有文献中尚未报道这两个部位同时发生。



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